To propose the needs of training of the personnel and to prepare the documentation of procedures or manuals of operation. When the audit is completed, a detailed report becomes of found and the recommendations of action of high benefit. The organization must then initiate the process to turn these recommendations into specific plans of action, with her corresponding detail and allocation of tasks. The designed program must include; certain modifications to equipment and facilities required, investment and installation in clean-up circuits, equipment of monitoring and points of testeo, design and plan of monitoring, acquisition of software and administration of the data of monitoring for action of proactive and predictive mantencin, control actions on the specifications standard and the procedures and monitoring necessary to maintain the condition objective of equipment and lubricants. b) Transferring and Enabling for the Suitable Procedure: When it is required to take the tribolgica condition of a productive plant his more high level, by means of a program of management in lubrication, the education and training of the personnel in this one cannot be avoided. The training is a critical element in any process of change. Instruction and training In situ, when it is distributed professionally, generate confidence in the process and immediate and future understanding of its causes and objectives.
In the measurement that the mantencin specialists own clarity and understanding with respect to the planned changes, including their intention, objectives and I put, they will be able to accomplish its mission. The credibility in the training programs is vital, if it especially requires deep changes for the new program. This training must be strongly supported by external specialists, who besides incorporating an independent perspective to the classroom, introduce experiences of others companies and serve as consultant. " benchmarking" with companies, ideally of the same sector, that are pawned on similar programs, it is escencial part of a good program of training.