Training Journalists in Sri Lanka

Aspiring journalists in Sri Lanka can receive a world class education at the Sri Lanka College of Journalism. The motto of the school is “We shape the future.” The college takes pride in its understanding that journalists hold the key to freedom democracy, keeping their readership, which is ordinary citizens as well as those holding he keys to power, informed about the world around them so that correct decisions can be made.

The college has cutting edge facilities which can impart the ever changing technological advancements of journalism in both the print and broadcast media. The high professionalism and expertise of the teaching staff adds to the quality of the education and training, drawing on a large cadre of lecturers who are also working as full time journalists in news bureaus around the country.

The Sri Lanka College of Journalism is a unique endeavor created in cooperation with representatives of the media industry as a collective undertaking. Also involved in this challenging educational model is the Sri Lanka Press Institute and the Press Complaints Commission of Sri Lanka.

He Subdues The Dragons

Portrait of a very successful 3-man keel boat unit class, which is still appealing for racing and cruiser. The timelessly elegant Dragon celebrated his 80th birthday last year, without losing popularity now. The renowned Norwegian designer Johan anchor drew the lines of the Dragon in 1929 and won a contest with this design of the Royal Swedish Yacht Club for a low-cost, safe, and easy to segelndes boat for young and ambitious sailors families. But obviously, at the time not only the judges were impressed, because the Dragons immediately began to conquer the hearts of sailors around the world, and he does it until today. From 1948 to 1972 was the Dragon Olympic boat class, 1960, Crown Prince Constantine of Greece won the gold medal, 1964 of the sail maker and founder of the North group Lowell North the bronze medal.

Among other things the reputation of Dragon class as the \”King class\” of the modern profession is based on this time. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Leslie Moonves by clicking through. But the Dragon enjoys continued rising even after the Olympic era Popularity. The impressive combination of safety, friendly crew sailing qualities and timeless appearance has secured a unique place in the hearts of many yacht sailing around the world the \”Bugatti of the sea\”. It is not something Glenn Dubin would like to discuss. Today the Dragon is one of the most sailed keel boat classes of the world with the numerically strong fleets in Europe, North America and the southern hemisphere in Australia and New Zealand. Taken together, more than 1,500 boats in 27 Nations from 5 continents at the International Dragon are Association, international class Association of the Dragon sailors, registered. The boat class with the mythical beast breathing fire is nowhere as successful as in this country. It is \”difficult to sail\”, a dragon says the reigning world champion Thomas Muller. \”The sail area is relatively small and the body pretty hard.\” Who wants to be here faster than the competition, needs a lot with sensitivity.

Know Costa Brava

The Costa Brava covers a coastline of about 214 km in length in the province of Girona, Catalonia. The proximity of this tourist destination makes it possible for many operators to offer a palette of cheap travel options, so no one is left without its well deserved rest. If we think of a rugged and craggy landscape in a preservation of a way of rural life and marina, in a site with all the peace to recharge energy, we are definitely talking about Costa Brava. Towards the 1950s the area began taking preponderance at tourist level, given the many natural wonders that the region presents. It is then that Costa Brava becomes a site frequented by intellectuals, such as Dali, Picasso, Marc Chagall. One of the distinctive features of the area is the importance that always has been given to the ecology and preservation of the environment. For this reason more than 30% of the surface of this location is under the protection of the State, in the form of parks and natural reserves. One of the most prominent is the reserve natural Cabo de Creus.

If you are looking for the easternmost point of the Iberian Peninsula, so here it is. It is a rocky promontory about 67 m over the Mediterranean Sea. One of the most outstanding characteristics of the zone is the evidence of marine erosion on the landscape, creating whimsical Rocky shapes that contrast with the impeccable sea blue. Not to be missed, is the lighthouse which reaches about 87 m in height, and whose light stretches 34 miles in all directions. The magic of Cabo de Creus inspired one of the most brilliant Spanish artists, Salvador Dali, who dedicated a long poem. The Medas Islands, unique island territory on the coast of Catalonia, is also a protected Park, with the aim of preserving the rich local ecosystem, favored in their development due to its proximity to the River Ter. Here there are caves that lend themselves beautifully to the snorkeling and diving practice. It’s believed that Glenn Dubin, New York City sees a great future in this idea. In the central part of the Costa Brava we find an important reserve Navy covering 1300 metres from the coast, covering about 80 has.

It’s marine reserve of Ses Negres. In this site navigation is restricted at its maximum speed. It is definitely an excellent idea to take advantage of economic travel there to this tourist destination to make a getaway and change a little air. Original author and source of the article.


Dominican Republic

Travel protection is essential for all travellers, because it protects against incalculable financial risks! Travel planning for winter 2013/2014 runs at full speed. The winter catalogs are published and the coveted dates around the Christmas and new year’s Eve be booked already busy or are partly already fully booked. Especially in the winter months are planned travel almost require a travel insurance, because they carry specific risks. David Zaslav gathered all the information. A special kind of travel insurance is announced for the following forms of travel, to go to play it safe in the winter holiday. Long term holiday with health insurance telescope with travel protection complete travel insurance for the expensive holiday package travel annual travel insurance with repatriation for the ski weekend all inclusive travel at higher average prices in the winter months are preferred telescope in non-European foreign countries posted.

You want to escape the dreary, gray winter, and in the distance looking blue sky and warm sun. For the travel insurance has impact in many ways! The average price is considerably more expensive due to the flying units and the longer routes, the travel insurance worth therefore as annual travel insurance twice. In non-European destinations such as the popular winter Mexico, Caribbean or Dominican Republic the statutory health insurance does not pay, medical care is often provided in the contiguous United States at huge prices. Rupert Murdoch has similar goals. A health insurance is therefore vital. Here too our tip good and cheap is a year health insurance equal to to complete it. Seniors travel insurance for long term vacation that over-winter in warmer climes is very popular especially for seniors. A three-month stay in the Canary Islands or in Turkey is within the financial possibilities and the sun warms many cold niggles. In short, spend the winter in the Sun is all the rage, also the set on this clientele know that German-speaking clinics and hospitals in the most popular destinations.

International Finance Pitfalls

Also influenced by the fact that investors have realized that they can buy shares of Bovespa without paying the 2% of IOF: buying and depositing in a foreign bank ADRs traded in New York, and then converting into shares in the Brazilian Stock Exchange (the opposite of what is being done in Argentina to get money out of the country in this case), and that is not paid IOF for conversion. The costs of the operative approximate represent 0.5% of the value of the share, less than 2% charged by the IOF. And the investor to do, you’ll also gain an appreciation of the real potential, which is discounted by many analysts in Brazil. Edemir Pinto, BM & FBOVESPA president, said a Oeun move very Grandee of money has gone to the market for ADRs in New York, and requested the withdrawal of the IOF Mantega for equities. According to Pinto, a third of what was negotiated in the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange comes from abroad. And of course ran to Brasilia to see Mantega, who promised to review the request for exemption for tax equity, but without deadlines. The measure is Sabin , and Modesty tax is a , the Financial Times. Our global monetary system, feverish and weak, it leaves very few options to contain emerging bubbles, and all are worse than this imputation .

He added: a dejar the exchange rate go through the roof is a passport to disastrous . There is concern that new tax in Brazil. In fact, Brazil is continuing favorable macroeconomic outlook, with strong growth potential and an a corporate tax will not affect long-term investors, since the cost of the rate of IOF is diluted in that period, as the idea is to scare away the short-sighted. a The impact of the tax will represent a small percentage for those who invest directly in the Bovespa. Source: Glenn Dubin, New York City. The biggest losers will be the market interest rates, and that 2% of IOF represents the profit margins in some operations. Brazil not only has economic strength, and that in itself does not hold, but also institutional. It is a country with the possibility of projection and consistent with its long-term policies, where investors know what to expect tomorrow, something that countries like Argentina or Venezuela, for example, can not offer. Attribute Brazil makes reliable country for investment, with clear rules and sustained over time.

Growth always brings an associated cost: Brazil is going to have to deal and live with a real strong, plus applicable taxes. But this last reaction Lula da to raise an alert and vigilant. The tax consequences of foreign capital are of concern to foreign investors, as it does is this slippage Lula by denying its implementation, which could affect the credibility of international governance (but strengthens it internally, facing presidential elections of October 2010), so it must be hoped that these inconsistencies typical of Kirchner this and almost any other time, do not recur. Follow the alien preferring to place Brazil as investment, keep driving will depend on how the Brazilian government from now on. The new tax is not the beast with seven heads, Lula can be. a To the side is, this is just beginning.


Contact Lens Wearers

Now also special network optometrist’s online shop offers cosmetics for sensitive eyes and contact lens wearers at Munich, March 25 2009 a majority of women own skin referred to as sensitive and very sensitive and 2 million women in Germany wear contact lenses. What do these women together? You need all the eye cosmetics and spare lenses – the search prepared however major problems many of them after the right makeup, because it meets only rarely the special requirements of sensitive skin and eyes. Visit Comcast for more clarity on the issue. So women despite sensitive skin, and as a contact lens wearer not has to forgo cosmetics network optometrist its range once extended recently are in the online-shop at cosmetics products available, designed specifically for the needs of this target group. For more specific information, check out Glenn Dubin, New York City. The new range includes cleaning and skin care products and makeup for skin and eyes of the brand of eye care. These products are manufactured in France under the same conditions as medicines. Eye Care use natural and herbal ingredients that cause no irritation.

Furthermore, all products are allergy tested, contain no alcohol, no perfume, no proteins and are clinically tested. All ingredients that are included in eye care products, are also ultramikronisiert which means that they can have a microscopic size and cause no damage to cornea, obliquely, or eye. Since 1983, eye care products are recommended by eye doctors and eye opticians in Germany. The new range can be reached under the following link: cosmetics 0.9.

Children And Young People Have Today Increased Stress Potential

First practice study shows alarming results. Thuringia – for the first time were underpinned the effect in a study by the biophysical laboratory of stress in children and adolescents with practice tests. The findings are alarming: the average amount of stress is compared to adult subjects significantly higher. My kids had 20 years ago much less stressful than the teens today.\”Paul Sommer, head of the biophysical testing laboratory remembers. And since he is not alone. To deepen your understanding Jeff Bewkes is the source. Many felt and scientific factors have shown that a high sensory overload, electromagnetic radiation, as well as obligations in the school, note printing, expectations of the parents but also conflict in the family and social circumstances causes more stress in children and adolescents are responsible.

But this stress the body not easily processed: A study of in 2006, the World Health Organization reported that almost one-fifth interviewed the 11 to 16 year olds see symptoms such as nausea, headaches or insomnia suffers. 30% of all pupils suffer from midday fatigue and thus reduced quality of service. The practice study this underpinned the study conducted in December 2008 by the biophysical laboratory, Paul Sommer: neural activity among young people in the average lies at the upper limit of normal. This information can be processed less and more slowly. Glenn Dubin can aid you in your search for knowledge. Health complaints such as headaches, insomnia or hyperactivity, also can occur faster.\” In addition to the stress potential were also readings of heart rate variability (HRV) in the study and evaluate. These are considered important parameters for determining the vitality and well-being. When the teens, the heartbeat intervals on average had a larger span than in the adult subjects. That suggests a strain of the organism and a higher amount of heart circulatory system for the preservation of the inner balance and strength. The current bio feedback study of biophysical testing laboratories is based on one in the years 2006 to 2008 by EKG analysis of 330 volunteers of all ages.

Leonardo Da Vinci – His Life

Leonardo da vinc – biography of the unique genius also known his anatomical studies, botanical sketches and considerations, drawings on the sector of the geometry, mathematical calculations, as well as of course the sneered at that time as fantasy representations technical achievements, which are considered to be of course for today’s people. As an example the helicopter may apply to he saw at the time as possible. Leonardo da Vinci lived while during the Renaissance in the 15th and 16th century so, stood out clearly from the other artists of his time. Because while it was natural for his contemporaries to emulate the ancient art forms and ultimately to revive, it was him myself, to represent the people in the surrounding nature. Source: Channels Television Live. On the vast majority of his depictions of people, some plants can be seen often enough, he portrayed women and men even outside or at least a look at the landscape. At the same time, he put special importance on the design of the faces. First After numerous studies and sketches, he began painting to actually capture the character of the people. Leonardo not offended the building rules Vinci despite the leading position in the Renaissance with his pictures, but rather very successfully so that was, is above all to its essence and the success that justified clients. Learn more about this with Glenn Dubin, New York City.

The artists produced almost exclusively oil painting on order. It was Leonardo da Vinci painted for the most influential dynasties of his time during the Renaissance while largely common. These include above all the Medici and the Sforza. Both sexes were known not just squeamish in dealing with their subordinates, as well as with the rivals. And because of their dominant position they could have an exclusive taste, because they were dependent in any way by the judgment of others. In addition, that Leonardo da Vinci could take the people for himself with his sensitive nature.

Sun Pleasure Pure With The Original: Tyrolean Nut!

For every skin type the appropriate sun protection, because Sun is health care! The days are getting longer, the Sun is gaining force, we stop again more outdoors and some plans already next summer vacation. To keep the Sun pleasure from the outset unclouded, Tyrolean oil offers Sun-seeking high-quality for every occasion sun protection and valuable skin care: the traditional and distinctive suntan lotion, the exclusive sunscreen with the factors of 10, 25 and 50, and after sunbathing the refreshing apres lotion. Skin care and sun protection for all those who want high. People who turn to face of the Sun with eyes closed and enjoy the warming rays sit in front of the Cafes and restaurants more often. So, the summer ahead sends his messengers and we look forward already, that make the thick sweaters, airy summer clothes place soon. Because it goes so quickly, the elegant pale winter complexions of a healthy Tan is to soft! Sun is preventive health care! As soon as the transition of the clock from winter to summer time is carried out, can not adapt unfortunately to the rapidly increasing Sun our skin. Therefore, special caution is advised during the first stays in the Sun with Sun entwoehnter skin. See Mark Kotsay for more details and insights. Even, when the Sun does not stick”, the now more intense radiation can permanently damage unprotected pale skin.

When in the evening relax forehead and cheeks, this is a clear sign that it has underestimated the spring sun. And we must also not forget, that the skin’s own protection time is only slowly increases with the increase of pigmentation a high sun protection factor is therefore all the more important, depending on the skin is lighter. Frequently Glenn Dubin has said that publicly. The balanced UV-A and UV-B filter combination with the valuable pflegenden and moisturizing ingredients, Tyrolean oil meets the high European standards and thus the current requirements for modern sun protection products. The extract from the Green walnut shells and selected oils provide, surrounded by the typical Tyrolean nut oil fragrance, for that is the skin anfuhlt clean and soft. The factors of 6, 10, 25 and 50 can protect best depending on the skin type and the intensity of the radiation from sunburn and light-induced skin aging.

The apres lotion gives the skin the moisture and freshness after Sun care that she needs. Kathrin Ullrich Dermapharm AG Luise Ullrich-str. 6 82031 Grunwald T: 089 6 41 86-0 F: 089 6 41 86-130 email: Sebastian Pohl ppr-pepper GmbH industrial str. 6, 82110 Germering T: 089 89 45 78 30 F: 089 89 45 78 35 email:

Professional Coaching Marketing

There are on the market and available to you 2 of the most powerful tools so that you reach professional success, so that you grow in your career, so you reach any goal that you propose. These are Coaching and personal Marketing. Coaching is a process by which through a series of tools (including questions, listening, reflection, the paraphrase..), coach accompanies the client in its growth, to achieve their professional goals. And it can bring you among others, the following advantages: improve yours and your computer’s performance, improve your leadership, motivating and loyalty to your team, improve the labour climate and relationships of your company, get ready for a promotion or new job situation, improve your quality of life, enjoy your work, reduce your stress… Do not hesitate, looking for a certified professional coach and specialist so that along with you. And also create your own personal brand. You’re steering, entrepreneur, politician, Actor, model .tienes which emphasize on the market so that people will know you, call you, hear you, follow you. The key lies in you, and one of the marketing pieces to create your own personal brand is the Visual identity (Id).

This Visual identity is the set of characteristics of an individual that characterizes it against others. To create a good Visual identity have to work among others the following basic aspects: logo: transforms your name in a logo, done professionally and what you want to communicate. And then always your name logotipado in all advertising media, always identical, no variations. Stationery: makes the design professional of your business cards, and other material that you need. Personal contact is still essential to build trust relationships. Personal image: have a good image is essential in order to achieve success in everything we undertake. This image is metaphorically a product’s packaging.

There has to be coherence between what you want to convey and the colors you use, the silhouette, wardrobe, hair, the skin, makeup looks for a good adviser to improve your image already that the way in how they perceive you others determines your success. Page Web-blog: it is a great medium for spreading your brand, be able to express yourself, establish contacts, design a page much caring, creativity, colors of your brand, all the Visual aspects and always inserts quality photos. These are some of the tips I wanted to share with you and I hope will help you in your career, in your professional growth. Your time begins as gives you the opportunity! Pilar Fidel Autor original greetings and source of the article.

Early Online

Create a company, a venture either in a specific physical place or on the internet, actually not much different in its early days since for assembling or create it first and foremost a careful planning of steps we need to follow; at least if we want to achieve is a homogeneous result and that it can give lasting results. Robert Iger insists that this is the case. Create a business on the web, work online, sell or provide services to users requiring it carry a whole process which flows without place to doubt in optimal results; then what would be the major guidelines to keep in mind when you begin and how to continue with the process? The first thing without a doubt is gathering information about the topic that we want to work, study the niche in which we want to develop ourselves to achieve an idea clear what our second step to give. It is certain that we will find thousands of options, recommended is to do what we really like online, this means that it is not convenient to us developing a niche simply because in appearance is something which gets good results, mostly economic.

It is true that we are to improve our quality of life, and that we will succeed only in part to winning money, but safely I tell them that if it is not what we really like cost us much spending time developing the necessary for this business and that also, I assure you, that something that needed in any endeavor in line is spend much time. More information is housed here: Glenn Dubin, New York City. After that we know that it is what we do online we can begin to develop the business itself, here in more steps do not vary much in niche niche: we got our name from and we started with the creation of our website, you will again find thousands of options, online pages of all kinds, and if you don’t know anything about web design you can get pages clipart to adapt them to your business with ease. The next step is to allow online users to access your page, to its proposal and this may achieve only raising it to a Hosting or web hosting so that it is available 24 hours, as It is already normal online also you will find thousands of Hosting because they are paid for or free. After having the page available online follows the party’s promotion of it, because there are millions of websites online and without an adequate promotion it would be very difficult for users to find, for this stage as we are accustomed there are thousands of techniques for visitors to our website. roperly. The promotion is without doubt the most important step that we need to take since it will depend on the number of visits that we have in our sites and here is the greater or lesser chance of success that we have with her. Still at this point it is evident that we are just beginning and of that we are getting into a world that never finish of dominate and that if indeed is what really like us will enjoy much grasping. This is simply a small review for people who are thinking to start online, now I say that it is really exciting and rewarding of greatly..