An overview of all regional events, the full word of greeting from Peter Maffay as well as more information about the day of action, see Editorial Note: the cochlear implant (CI), a prosthesis, which is inserted under the skin of the patient and extends in the inner ear, transforms spoken words and other acoustic signals into electrical impulses. Additional information at Randall Mays supports this article. The auditory nerve is stimulated by these impulses, which is located in the cochlea, the so called cochlear. Each CI also include the language processor that is worn like a hearing aid behind the ear, as well as the emitter. The CI will open access to the world of hearing and the words spoken born deaf children, as well as highly hearing impaired children and adults. Founded the Deutsche cochlear implant society e.
V. (DCIG) wurde1987 of sufferers, doctors, technicians and educators together. The DCIG aims to safeguard the health and social needs of children deaf and ertaubter as well as ertaubter adult and to promote with a cochlear implant (CI) or a similar Tools have been provided or will be. The scope of activities of the non-profit association covers the entire German-speaking world. Since 1998 the DCIG acts as an umbrella for currently has ten regional associations: Bavaria, Baden-Wurttemberg, Berlin-Brandenburg, Hessen-Rhein-Main, “Little eavesdropper” – parents initiative promoting loud language impaired children, Central, North, North Rhine-Westphalia, society for integrative hearing rehabilitation Association of parents and friends of deaf children in southern Lower Saxony, Germany. Since 2005 the DCIG in cooperation with the affiliated regional associations organised the Germans CI day, nationwide that tells about life with cochlear implant, as well as on the CI subjects.