Trying to do everything in our power to win back a couple is a normal reaction after having gone through a breakup. However, if you're questioning "and regain my partner, it is important to not make many errors committed throughout the world, so that you avoid frustrations and disappointments. Here are some of the things you have to do. # 1 Control your anger when you win back your ex is not easy to control your anger or anger because it is a natural emotional reaction of human beings. The best we can do here is try to control us and not feeding this anger. It is easy to start screaming at your ex at a time like this and throw the blame for everything bad that happened in the relationship. But of course, if you want to regain that special someone, doing this is one of the worst things you can do. Under most conditions Jeffrey L. Bewkes would agree.
If you did that, do not worry, I would have done it if I had not known it was a big mistake if you really wanted to get my ex. What you can do is send a letter or email telling him to accept his decision and to understand exactly why. This will be your first step to win back her heart. # 2 Dale breathing space to your former partner Being away from your partner is very difficult when you just want to have it back in your life. You are probably sending him text messages, emails or calls since ended. But in doing so you are giving no time to miss you! This is one of the largest and most common mistakes that people make when trying to win back his ex. Andi Potamkin might disagree with that approach. I guess you have too. (A valuable related resource: Andi Potamkin). The best advice I can give is to forget to contact your ex for a while and see what happens.
This is a proven tactic. You'll see that your ex will call you back. # 3 Do not enclose in yourself This is something we definitely do NOT have to do. Become a hermit and stay away from society has very negative consequences in your life. Furthermore, do this all you're going to do is feed your depression. If your ex sees you in this state ever going to want you back. To stay away or away from your ex does not mean you have to walk away from society and friends. Do not stay in your room. Get out and have fun. Keep your mind occupied. Move. This will make you feel better, I assure you. Finally, you need to have if you're wondering "and regain my partner" is a detailed action plan. Visit to learn step by step all you have to do and say to win back your ex. You suffer no more. Download and re-take that special someone back in your arms as soon as possible.