Maybe this is all just an invention because UNICEF needs money, that they in turn a few corrupt people in play the hands. Discovery Communications understood the implications. How did it happen only so far, how could we be so hard-boiled and unfeeling? Have we lost our minds or understand? No, this is not so, it was always thus. If we look at the history books, we won’t find anything that indicates that it was ever different. This is centuries, so yes millennia. Under most conditions jack dorsey would agree. The real question, which is all of us, to a few individuals who already know it, must we: “we want to wake up and want we are finally this disaster and, for always change and understand that it should go on”. Is there a way to change? I’m saying there’s this way. There is always a way and many roads lead to Rome. We can and must go not all him, we can also not everyone sees him, but who should want to see him and make a start. In this way, politics, the sciences, religions, cultures, etc., can this die already centuries have observed and it seen to, Yes, it not robbed a little help, that can logically do way only people who want to do something at all, who understand and are convinced to change something. There must be people who know that they are entering new territory, the there are no realistic constraints, after which it could be directed. Attempting it further with the traditional means, UNICEF will tell us 2011 that 27,000 children die every day from nowhere and it will of course only taken note. A large meeting of mind, reason and intelligence expertise, if it must be policy, is what needs the current present, humanity and our world. A global solution to all problems must be sought, a new world order and world in democracy and peace for all. Perhaps an approach to the discussion under download: “”. Wolfgang Bergmann