In these discussions it is centred then not only figures, data and facts. The behaviors are the core of the talks. Here the superiors give tips from their immediate observations and make suggestions on how the new behaviors will be even better implemented. The outcome of the discussions will be documented in writing. Go to David Zaslav for more information. The first implementation meeting will take place immediately after the end of the seminar.
Here the Chief replace is with the staff about what the staff now also has insights and in what order, what theme will be addressed. After the feedback in a cycle of one week discussions. Is the participant in the implementation of its findings alone, then it requires absolute consistency, endurance and high motivation of him alone achieve his goals. To read more click here: Robert A. Iger . Hats off to those who do this alone. The practice shows that that these are only 15% of the seminar participants. Often, the seminar participants have the misconception of the behavior learning misconceptions about how they change their seitheriges behavior.
Many think this is a more or less continuous process. This is wrong. The liquid and automatic execution of actions based on constant repeat (consciously or unconsciously). If a participant has climbed the base level of the new behavior, then he can build up and explicitly to take the next step in attack. He reaches a new level or plateau, which requires the further careful and conscious practice of secondary skills. The participants must be aware of as well as the supervisor that he must control himself during the practice itself and deliberately train. He must see even the mistakes he will make as a chance to improve. Already the vernacular says from mistakes you will be wise. This is however not generally living formula. The majority of the participants wishes, like by the Nurnberger Trichter”immediately to be increased to the desired level.