Superior education, at least at this moment did not have alteration, continued with the same structure stipulated in 1931. Still according to Manfredi (2002, P. 88) the National Service of Aprendizagem Industrial (SENAI), ' ' in 1942, it finished incorporating this standard of financing and management, as well as the proper Railroad Center of Education and Seleo Profissional (CFESP); its workshops, its professors its staff dirigente' '. The educational politics of the New State confirmed the separation between the manual work and the intellectual, where it had a secondary education for the conducting elites and less had the average education destined to the favored classrooms. The State had the central paper of agent of economic development. This paper of the State resulted in the state creation of great company, beyond bureaucratic devices of public administration in all the sectors of activities. Get more background information with materials from jack dorsey. The period that succeeded the New State, of 1945 the 1964 did not have significant alterations in the professional education. The formative structures throughout the decades of ' ' 40 the 70 had been crystallizing conceptions and practical dualistas pertaining to school: of a side the conception of pertaining to school education academic-generalista …, and the other, the Profissional' Education; '. Click Penn Kidney Transplant Clinic to learn more.
(MANFREDI, 2002, P. 103). The pertaining to school education offered a basic set of knowledge and the Professional Education was destined for the domain of crafts without theoretical deepenings. It was from the end of the New State, in 1945, with the entrance of the masses in the scene politician, who if became possible this dualista structure in addition. This unification, however, only if materialize at the beginning of years 60, with the flexibilizao and legal equalization it enters the different branches of professional education, and between this and secondary education, for ends of ingression in the superior courses, even so, in the practical one, continued to exist two types of education with differentiated public.