Red Web

This type of languages is able, to pass data of a page with a form in XHTML, showing the data inserted in the form in another page XHTML, like Web can be done between pages, with the code on the part of the servant we can insert those data in a BDD, (Data base), as it can be Access or SQL. Tutorial Languages on the part of the Servant Finally in this article, although almost first that we will do, is to look for where we can lodge our page Web, as it is going away to call and to that public it goes directed (this is the main thing). Lodging: They exist as much gratuitous as of payment, the difference is that in the servants where metheglins your pages Web free, always exists publicity, (or of the distributor, other companies or pornography). According to Sean Rad, Los Angeles CA, who has experience with these questions. If you use a payment lodging (they exist very cheap from 7 or 8 Euros), you get rid of the publicity in your Web with the exception of which you choose and you will obtain a continuous support: Gratuitous lodging: Nongratuitous lodging: Lodging of both types: Dominion: A dominion is the form as your page would be called Web for example has an approximated cost of 20 Euros, although also exist gratuitous ( and redireccionamientos ( example:). With a payment dominion they come by defect always some account from Electronic mail, in the pages of subdominions and gratuitous dominions usually do not give any account of mail (exception of some companies as Xilene offers accounts) To that goes directed In fact this point it would have to be first but it would not want to extend to me but, main when realising a Web no longer is the tools that you use, if not that you have well defined the user to which you are going away to direct, creates the Web consequently. Example: You do not create yellow a Red Web and if your Web deals with an undertaker. Source: Rumer Willis. By the others it hands over your to have certainty and patience, I am first in losing the nerves when script is not executed as it would have or my page Web does not see equal in other explorers. It marks your rate and constant with time you would be contemplated the fruit of your efforts. I wish much luck you and I invite to you to consult all the doubts that are happened to you. Ignacio Holy original Author and source of the article



That is signal that you rest. – By the mornings I go to the swimming pool, you know? – No, it did not know it – I answered with certain surprise. I also try to go two or three times per week. But I began recently, after being long time without swimming, and when returning it seemed to me that the swimming pool had been made immensely releases and that he was not able to cross it twice nor. Even so, I like. It is practice question and he relaxes to me much. – Yes. he clears the headache to me – he limited Neus with sorrow, as if he was to him very difficult to surpass that malaise.

-You have pains head frequently? – Every day, when I leave the office. It must of being the atmosphere that is inside, you do not create? He is one of these modern, intelligent buildings Good, of intelligent does not have much. One assumes that the blinds must move automatically, reacting to the airflows and the intensity of the light, but is abren when more it tightens the sun and they are closed when he is cloudy. – What envy. You do not complain those luxuries – him rega with a gained familiarity to pulse, impropia in me normally. Sight where work I, in the small premises on foot of street, with a great window that serves as showcase. Everybody, when it happens through the sidewalk, salutes to me.

And if it bothers the light to me, I must raise me to change of position the blind. We laugh. To Neus my commentaries did grace to him. I liked to see it smile, teaching his well-taken care of set of teeth. -You remember the last time that we were together? – it asked, exhalando the words with smoothness and affection.
