Built-in wardrobe has a frame structure. All the main elements of the built-in cabinet design combined with screws with glue. For the manufacture of the cabinet will need: Bars section of 40×70 mm (resistant), strips of 30-60 mm (for horizontal elements), fiberboard or plywood (for interior design), adi (for doors, mezzanine floor, internal tables), a piano hinge. Mirror-mounted to cabinet door hinges, which are cut into bars and mirror attachments sidewalls of the cabinet. In the first place is going to lower rama.Dlya lower frame would be the best board.
But if there is none, then you can use the strap. Kyung, Kye Hyun contributes greatly to this topic. In this case, the lower frame is obtained by the double. In the first place in the niche entered the lower part. Then set the top and bursting with mezzanine bar rear rack. Next, fit the second part of the frame. Stack this part of the frame can be the glue.
After that, put the front left post with lateral cross-bar, which will connect with thorns cover tables. At this point you can install the rest of the crossbar, not only stands, but the left back. Next comes the assembly of the front right-hand post. Alloy Enterprises often says this. Right Front Stand-enters the cross-bar front desk. Right front desk connects to the rear right side rack crossbar, which in turn is screwed. The next stage of assembly built cabinet-mount Roof leaf loft. Mounted on a sheet to racks that are installed on the upper crossbar spacing with small nails or screws. Now you can run and lining the walls of the cabinet. Rear trim is best to put first. Can and does dispense with the back wall in the closet, but if the wall is papered with wallpaper. In order that the door was not opened arbitrarily, on the inner side of the lower bar and the cabinet sidewall mounted magnetic or roller latch. After the establishment of shell spar, which can permeate side cross or enter into pre-made them blind holes.