Newton Access

Considered one of them pillars of the Quantum Mechanics, the beginning of the Uncertainty arrived to be the generator of the majority of the controversial subjects of the physics of our century and the last century. This principle had deep implications in the form of perception of the world introducing an inevitable element of imprevisibilidade or causalidade in science, causing the rupture of the logic and the reason as pure and absolute truths. It more modifies one of the consolidated scientific paradigms, namely, of that the enterprise of Science is the attainment of an accurate knowledge, the necessary one and detailed about the reality. If before this principle, the objective of Science it was this accurate knowledge on the nature, after such principle, was clearly that he has limits for the knowledge, that we cannot get accurate knowledge, that, in the maximum, our knowledge will be probable, will be approaches, models, representations of the nature. This creates some constataes that estremecessem bases of the classic scientific thought. Without having the certainty of the consequences that this theory could cause in strong entrenched concepts, Heisenberg even though demystifies the presence of a determinista Creator, that is, that even though God is limited by the beginning of the Uncertainty, and it cannot know the position in such a way how much the speed of a particle, becoming it one ‘ ‘ player of dados’ ‘ inveterate.

Molded for the classic culture, especially for the Greek philosophers, Heisenberg he influenced and still he influences the form to think of a legion of people who the search of answers if become hunters of concepts that in the reality do not pass of uncertain. Until the end of century XX science believed that it all had the key of the knowledge, the last mysteries of the nature to be unmasked was only time question, what after a systematic analysis, recognizes that fugaz does not pass of one illusion. After a brief and superficial analysis of two moments of history, two landmarks of construction of scientific knowing, is possible to believe that science influences more than what in our daily one with its practical theories and, and yes in our behavior, our way to think, to guide our life; that it can influence the culture of an Age, through its ideas, of its ideologies and its thoughts; thoughts these, that are constructed of a form that escapes to our perception. Bibliographical references. Zanetic, Physical J. and Culture. Available in: Access in: 04 of out.2010. Access in: 13 of out.


Moreover, it made possible that the periodic ones assumed the electronic character, reaching scientifically, new ratios (VALRIO; PINE, 2008). 4 CINEREOUS LITERATURE cinereous literature nothing more is of what a scientific literature, considered in the scientific field as not-conventional, in format printed matter or electronic, therefore its access is practically restricted and without commercialization of this production due to inexistence of control on the part of publishers. Leaving of this aspect, Poblacin (1992, P. 244), affirms that cinereous literature can be established as ' ' fugitive documents that are not vendem in catalogues of publishers, bookstores, libraries, etc., of difficult localization, and that, in the majority of the cases, it contains given excellent and importantes' '. One becomes important to stand out that for the character not-conventional, the content of the information for displayed it contains veracity and trustworthiness. This sample that the recovery control is of difficult access, differentiating itself, thus, of white literature, commercialized and of easy access, therefore basic documents are the books and the periodic ones, found to the disposal in informacionais institutions.

According to Gomes (2000 apud FUNARO; NORONHA, 2006, P. 220), cinereous literature is used to assign not conventional and semipublished documents, produced in the scopes governmental, academic, commercial and industrial. It characterizes documents that has little probability to be acquired through canals usual of sales of publications, since in the origins of its elaboration the aspect commercialization if opposes to that it assigns conventional or formal documents, that is, white literature. One of the raised questionings more on the part of studious scientists and of diverse areas, how much to cinereous literature, one meets on account in its restricted character, since it is a scientific literature produced and spread more quickly in the scope of the scientific community, but of this restriction and for not a centralization, it causes a difficulty of it searchs.