Master Cures

What I can say on the life of it? Well, it always was a very simple person. He was born in a very simple place, still lived in simpler way. He consists not me that he has studied, did not make college, nor mestrado, nor doutorado ….. But he is called Master.

By the way, this is the only form that it accepted to be called during all its life. They only see. It did not make law school, but he created a code of ethics and insupervel moral, that total is adjusted for all the countries and all the peoples. Although it has left well clearly: I did not come to destroy the law! He did not form himself in economy, but he decided complex economic subjects at its time, as for example when Cesar guided Dar what he is of Cesar. It did not study medicine, but its life carried through cures throughout all; In such a way diverse physical cures, as well as moral cures. It explained in them that the Sos does not need Doctor. that the evil is not what it enters in the mouth of the man, but what it leaves the mouth of the man, therefore what it leaves the mouth of the man he is that of which its heart is repleto. By the way, It and Pepeu Gomes had said this! He did not study Psychology, but until he is today considered the biggest psychologist of the humanity; He did not make Pedagogia, but he developed an education method, that is admired until today. Let us see some of its more famous histories: The good Samaritano The Figueira Seca The party of Nuptials Bad the rich one Talentos The Semeador The narrow door The last ones will be the first ones The deceased leave to embed its deceased The Candeia underneath of the Alqueire You look at the Birds of the Sky It was not the Super Nane, but it very taught in them on the ungratefulness of the children and the family bows, as well as on the family bows, when it said in them that all that one that follows the Father who is in Skies is its mother and its brothers.
