Japanese Science

In Snscrito, it is called dhyana and in Japanese it is understood as Ch? an and Zen. In Portuguese it has three words that it is come close of what is meditation: the first one is concentration. Concentration is a state of the mind, means that the mind this focada in an only point. The concentration is a tool of importance disappears to become science, science has even so not appeared in the Ocidente, fact is that the concentration for never was valued there, for not being necessary for the religion. Through the concentration, focando in an only point, it is possible to go each deeper time in an object. It is what science makes: it discovers each time more things on the objective world. The scientist is that citizen that elaborates a concrete vision of the reality, therefore, must be cliente of what she makes.

P that makes all scientist is to forget the world that is in its return and places all its conscience a umanica thing. Science is an art. In the East, in contrast of the Ocidente, the concentration is understood as religion, despertando in the adepts of the meditation this practical enormous to be able, but they are in the truth to be able of the mind. In as a point on the agreement of the meditation it is not to associate it with contemplation. The contemplation involves one definitive amplitude, almost without limits. essence of the concentration is to be restricted omente to an object. Science uses of the concentration as efficient method and adequedo to get what it desires, while the philosophy if uses of the contemplation.

The contemplation consite in a logical dream, is something rare. The philosophy, understood for some scholars as the art noblest of knowing human being, is necessarily contemplativa, but the concentration does not abstain completely. He was atrvs of Buddha and of its revolution, jhana arrived at China, term used for Buddha, in opposed of the dhyana word, therefore it used the language of the people as part of its revolution why it said: ' ' the necessary revelation to use what it is common, the current language, of form that the priests are not more necessrios.' ' Meditation is to sit down without making nothing? not to use the body nor the mind.
