To buy a pot of baking of vegetables to the steam. To cook to the steam is one of the most healthful forms to cook vegetables. The food conserves almost all natural nutrients instead of leaching towards outside in the baking water. Better, it even causes that its great flavor is concentrated even more.
It is very probable that they can saciarte a little but of qu the greasy foods harian that package. 5. Not to eat standing up. One of the easiest ways to sabotage its diet he is ” to eat without pensar”. It tries to eat with the respect that is deserved. To prepare it same you a plate. To sit down and to eat suitably.
It will be less probable that abrir the mouth and only to introduce the food, without paying attention. 6. It extends your meals outside. When you eat three meals to the day, its body tends to store everything what it does not need that moment. With the adoption of a habit of ” pastoreo” , you will maintain his metabolism working throughout the day. To have a small breakfast, a fruit with cakes or bread toasted to mid-morning, a light lunch and ” after the scholastic tea to average afternoon, he is the indicated thing. It only remembers that you are consuming the same amount of foods in smaller portions, without adding more foods to his daily diet. 7. It takes a fruit juice or water of flavor instead of refreshment. The soda water is nothing else that empty calories. Nothing of nutrients and much sugar. In his place, it takes a bottle from fruit juice 100%, or water of flavor with a little fruit. 8. It drinks water. The FDA even recommends at least 8 glasses of 8 ounces full of water to the day to maintain their body working well. When he is to diet, you must drink still more. Not only plenary session will feel, but also that will be but healthful, since the water helps the organism to digest foods and correctly clean the system. 9. Cannot pay a gymnasium? To make a pact with its friendly to make exercise, together is a good alternative. It makes an appointment at least three times per week to play the volleyball, to take a walk or to happen making something half an hour active. 10. It avoids the chipses. The greasy appetizers, fried in hydrogenated oil, like the chipses, only contribute to fat and calories and not much more. In his place, it can take a handful from fruits droughts or a cup of yogurt, to obtain the same amount of calories and many more nutritional benefits.