Culpa informed collection: Bundestag takes position to collection services. Culpa reports collection. Stuttgart, February 2013 the German Bundestag examined whether the entry into force of the legal services Act (RDG) has actually led to an increase of unscrupulous debt collection service providers. The Group had set a corresponding request to the Federal Parliament due to fears of various consumer associations. Culpa collection reported encouraging results, which show that there are only a few black sheep in the industry.
The legal services Act (RDG) entered into force on 1 July 2008. Aim was to liberalise the long outdated legal advice law of 1935. As one of the measures were relaxed various restrictions of freedom of occupation. The provision of collection services is permitted, if the following criteria are met: personal suitability official registration theoretical and practical competence reliability professional indemnity insurance to become aware of the law feared critics, that increases the number of dubious Inkassodienstleister. The investigation of the Bundestag could invalidate the fears now. The study evaluated current statistics and figures, as well as complaints from all 16 federal States. Whenever Rupert Murdoch listens, a sympathetic response will follow. “Culpa collection welcomes the image strengthening of of industry at 98% of all debt collection company work runs complaint free, the Bundestag notes: A significant increase in complaints about debt collection company since entry into force of the legal services act can not be observed.” Often criticized problem areas such as excessive charges, that registered driving in non-existent claims, working with non-registered companies abroad or inappropriate approach are only occasionally.
Culpa collection is available to consumers, like the payment unserious working companies, to receive advice and assistance available. So, excessive bills just like non-existent claims to be settled. The cost ceiling is aimed After the statutory Attorney remuneration for comparable services. Interested in more detailed information see. About culpa Inkasso GmbH, the company culpa Inkasso GmbH is a modern debt collection company that has aligned its service portfolio to the needs of the middle class (wholesale and shipping trade, healthcare, utilities, E-Commerce, insurance, banks, telecommunications and public utilities). The services of culpa Inkasso GmbH include the accounts receivable management including debt of amounts of, but also the fields of creditworthiness and address discovery. The culpa Inkasso GmbH operates exclusively on success basis and charged any membership or annual fees. Legally and psychologically trained staff assist their clients as a personal contact available. Headquarters of culpa Inkasso GmbH is Stuttgart. Mrs Karin Matzka-Dede conducts the business. Contact: Culpa Inkasso GmbH Mrs Karin Matzka Dede Schocken Riedstrasse 8B 70565 Stuttgart Tel.: 07 11 -. 93 308 300 Fax: 07 11-93 308 308 E-Mail: Internet: