The Re vision of writing minutes instead of days Salzburg CT PEN revolutionized the mobile, handwritten data acquisition with a digital pen and a self-developed plug & play software. The handwritten information is fixed independently collected and applied immediately in the customer’s own IT structure as image and plain text. Important corporate data are therefore within minutes instead of days available. The focus is the development of user-friendly forms solutions for efficient capture, transmission, storage, and immediate processing of data. For over 10 years, the digital pen and paper technology (DPP) is standard for the digital processing of handwritten forms.
Sales force, customer service, quality assurance, health care, authorities and administrations, transport and logistics, aviation and financial services and education are among the main markets in which the DPP technology is already deployed. The stylus-oriented immediate central availability of data While writing on the basis of a patented, with printed grid. The vector data so collected is delivered quickly and reliably via Bluetooth (mobile phone) or a docking station (PC) to the central processing server. The Intelligent analysis of the lettering (ICR) achieves a very high rate of text recognition. On the basis of flexible interface and communication links, the system integrates seamlessly into existing document – or ERP systems. Efficiency due to the simplicity of writing studies and others on the occasion of the World Usability Day 2008 confirm that the DPP system through higher user acceptance, lower acquisition and operating costs, as well as more flexible usage options is superior to other systems such as PDAs, Tablet PCs, scanners and laptops.
So the time savings for data collection is up to 60% with the digital pen. Cost-benefit analyses revealed that a net benefit of up to 2.60 per ubermitteltem form is not uncommon. The Salzburg-based company CT-PEN with over 20 years Experience in software development systems is specialized in the design and implementation of user-friendly forms solutions using digital pen and paper. Coupled with an easy, fast and cost-effective integration into existing systems CT-PEN therefore acts as a holistic DPP system provider. CT-PEN is also a provider of complete solutions in the area of health care, sales, ERP systems, document management, as well as individual solutions.