Imagine every post via social news …erstellen to each post a news and post them on social news portals. Screencapture images to old content …erstellen you short Screencaptures and publish them in video portals. Prepare content for newsletter …bereiten your content for your newsletter on (brevity is the soul of wit!) PowerPoint presentations create …generieren from your posts of PowerPoint slides & publish them. As PLR MRR & recycle material …geben your content as PLR MRR & free backlinks or free advertising. Preparation with Synonymizern …bereiten you your old texts with Synonymizern on & publish it again. As a guest post, …optimieren old publish and make it as guest articles available. In interviews, weave a …flechten enter your existing content in text interviews to revalue them! New ideas & experiences a text …kombinieren you old content with new ideas & you process them afterwards. Contact information is here: David Zaslav.
Affiliates as advertising material to the Available set up old content newly …bereiten and make them available to your affiliates. As …optimieren prepare the bonus material you old content and add it somewhere as bonus material. Content backlinks free …geben free old content against the back left to use. For press releases, …verwenden use recycled content in new press messages & press tree. Tutorials & instructions form …re-publish old content in the form of helpful, supportive tutorials know more options or have ideas and suggestions on how you can recycle content and then traffic “cast”? Then write a few lines in the comments and remember the post to bookmark or print just the best for your records. The list of the 21 content recycling ideas could be give then your colleagues, employees, Virtual Assistant or intern. The ideas are easy to understand and understand… and now… Now it goes to the implementation”. Earn money in the Internet is possible! For your success on the Internet with best regards Klaus Janschutz