He will be that you this would allow on behalf of the social inclusion! This social inclusion without let us sink in them and in the autoone Of as much sexual perversity does not exist. What in the salute it is this hipocricia, that leaves the things in its due places, Where we can be dirty and to live all our sexual and moral perversity. Who controi a country is its men and women of knowledge and a hypocrisy cream. The power will be always at the hands of the men and women whom the knowledge withholds. Japan, Germany, the United States, if had raised with its men and women of knowledge, certainly we will raise in them, Certainly he will not be with ours bundas, Or he will be that he can have revolutions of ndegas! Ours bundas serves only for the Sexual tourism, so common in the carnival. All good that the capitalism reduced everything the purchase and sales, But we must be More hypocritical, take off ours bundas wonderful Of the medias and places them in a safe Place Where you must enquando we go There until With all our hypocrisy and in the sexual Instincts and we finish in them far from the eyes of our friends to be able, We can until going together, however with all the masculine Complicity That the women not yet know to exert. Brazil has been one of these puteiros for Europeans, Asians, Americans etc Because we have that to be the brothel; not they.
In the carnival I do not know if we are more hypocritical or less hypocritical. What I know is that everything that is forbidden during the year is allowed in the days of carnival, Is of a falseness Says that the canaval is culture! The canaval is an excuse that allows in them to leave, with all the naturalness, Our displayed sex. If the carnival is culture where it is our Mozart, Our Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche Our Goethe, our Michelangelo, our Leonardo Of vinci Our Fernando Person, our prize Nobel, Our readers, our Dante Alighieri, our Oscar, our Orson Welles Aleluia! we have Axe of Assis, Drummond and other modernistas. The carnival is allowed by our hipocricia and our cynicism, and used very well for the televising capitalism that transforms everything into money. If you descorda, that she is natural, advise that I ask for the mulata Or the blond one what says the samba plot of its school. He asks for any man if it is filosfo while a mulata rebola They must be weapon of the government, as chacretes had been in the military dictatorship, a time who we do not podiamos to think But chacretas was there, entorpecendo the directions This is the Society of the Pleasure that allows everything that is gostoso Coceirinha of foot animal also she is gostosa, But if you leave them they you eat Who likes delicacies Christian that go to read Franscisco Medeiros.
The popular culture if becomes huge when who is in the Accepted power that these constumes are practised livrementes. Who possesss this autonomy of power can explore and use its favor Everything that the people has as its identity and its characteristic. In Brazil the carnival and the soccer are explored brazenly.