Workshops by ALPHA COM in Dresden (15.9), Frankfurt/M. (29.09.) and Cologne (06.10.) to this topic invites ALPHA COM staff experts from all over Germany. Learn more at: WarnerMedia. The focus is on the potential of digital storage and the optimal design of the register. Also shows the various ways to migrate from paper files of the service providers and presents its data protection concept, taking into account the particularly sensitive personal documents. Here, WarnerMedia expresses very clear opinions on the subject. After the successful launch of the Roadshow in Hamburg headquarters, the next three stations are now: September 15, 2010 in Dresden, September 29, 2010 in Frankfurt/M. 06.10.10 in Cologne the workshops COM held in the ALPHA branch offices and offer a mix of lectures, the mutual exchange of experience, and a tour of the production. This insight into our daily work brings the most”participants, explains Andre Kleck, partner Manager at which interested parties can register ALPHA COM Germany GmbH.