After payment for central heating, one of the most expensive items on the receipt, can not count on real consumption, and on settlement regulations. As a result, benefits received monopolist suppliers of heat, utilities – in short, anyone, except population. What to do and how to be? What is being done to overcome such a serious gap in the Russian energy? Now energy-efficient technologies are being introduced at the stage of designing and erecting buildings. In accordance with building codes (SNIP 23-02-2003 "Thermal protection of buildings") requirements for thermal protection enclosing structures of buildings increased by 3-4 times, and generally closer to European standards. However, the most painful problem – this is an old housing stock, the modernization of which need huge funds.
Experts note that real benefits can only bring comprehensive energy efficiency measures. Model reconstruction project Conventional home should include: organization metering, installation of thermostats, insulation of facades, window replacement and engineering equipment. As practice shows, the reduction of heat loss through the enclosing designs can reduce heating costs by 2-3 times at once! This solution is very costly, and therefore requires funding from the authorities. For example, in the framework of the program "Responsible owners – Renovated house in Moscow reorganize prefabricated high-rise 1970-80-ies. They are mounted ventilated facade systems from high-performance thermal insulation, flat roofs are insulated or replaced by sloping structures. Reduce energy losses and will help upgrade the windows. After all, through them, leaving about 20% of thermal energy generated home. "Replacing old windows with new energy-efficient pvc cut costs maintenance costs by an average of 15-30% – said Rafiq Alekperov, head of Customer Service Group propleks (Russia's largest producer of pvc window-profile of Austrian technologies).