The music library – built-in music composition. Just press the button – and your instrument will play itself. Songs of the music library are often used as accompaniment for vocal, they can diversify by adding their own passages, or just listen. In the model Celviano AP-620 is available 60 built music and 10 can be written independently. Imposition of timbres (Layer or Dual Voice) – a feature that allows to impose on basic timbre second supplementary tone all the major features, including various effects, accompaniment, etc. Thus a mixed tone, for example, an oboe in conjunction with the cello. Sometimes such combination of unusually expressive.
Please note that by mixing two sounds require twice as much polyphony as well as for each note is used by two votes. y. Arpeggiator – a feature that allows to perform pressed chord or even a single note in the form of various arpeggios. Arpeggios (from Italian. Arpa – harp) – is a way of performing a chord, which sounds the chord is executed not simultaneously but one after another (like sorting the strings sounding harp). Traditional arpeggios – it’s ascending or descending sorting sounds, but there are harmonic figuration, where the sounds of the chords are moving in a different sequence. All of these can be applied when you switch function “arpeggiator”, which is in all new models of Casio. In the compact CDP-200R them as much as 90! Function can be used not only for the chord, but even for a single note, in this case we get a realistic sound of folk instruments, such as the , mandolin.