Video Seeding

Through the power of the video seeding are strewn viral video on the Internet and forwarded to reach the target groups. Berlin, the 24.05.2013 – that Internet is infected! The market relies on viral advertising videos on the net, which will spread rapidly in the various social networks such as Facebook, Twitter & co., partly also through word of mouth, and subliminally to convey the message. But these processes does not automatically expire and also good videos are not necessarily equal viral self-perpetuating. “To talk campaign viral video success, is a goal-oriented video seeding, so sowing” necessary to ensure the creative videos to attract the right audience for an effective advertising marketing. Services for the video seeding to the interest of the target groups through viral videos to awaken, acts that dot – group as a specialist in the video seeding and viral marketing and has worked for 11 years in this area. To achieve the desired goal of a viral video campaign, elaborated that dot – group strategies and concepts for the Video seeding and provides for the construction of switchboards. (Not to be confused with Rupert Murdoch!). “Also, which makes dot – group inter alia for call-to-action”, the optimization of the conversion and cross-platform tracking and reporting.

Disseminate the spread of viral videos to the content and messages of the viral videos, they are scattered targeted on specific blogs, forums, communities, Facebook pages, Twitter. Comments, likes, buzz and shares on the various social media platforms are the basis of our successful campaigns. In addition to paid positions according to a strategic plan for the video seeding and precise targeting shopped around to promote the dissemination of advertising messages, and to increase the range and the attention. The message of the viral video is split multipliers, Influencern, and users that are enabled, and redirected. Company Description: The dot – group is a leading company in the area of social media and viral marketing and over 10 years of experience in the market. For the customer who dot – group include internationally renowned brands in the areas of consumer goods, tourism and charity. Campaigns of dot – group advertising was nominated at the Cannes International Advertising Festival and at the New York Festival.

Web Designer

3D animations in your Web design layout is now completely without 3D many Flash and Swish designer would go only too happy with the trend, but further developed towards the integration of 3D animations in your Web page layout. But a great discomfort comes up when it is noted that as a 3D animation not just from the sleeve can be shaken. The programs to create 3D animations are very expensive and very lengthy. We must deal so extensively with them, in order to achieve an enigermassen acceptable result. Here, resigned to most Web designers and stick to the usual vector graphics, which are now more or less a 3D environment allows you to sugerrieren. The touch of fear is unfounded, because very important factors and old practices have a large skills such as Flash and Swish in cooperation with animated design elements of whatsoever. The cunning Flash or Swish designer today relies on raw elements.

Self-contained finished animations are, whether 3D scenes or just movies, is beside the point here. Old functions of these mentioned authoring environments allow the Web Designer satisfy the high demands of its customers. You can import, for example, a whole animated 3D scene as movie and cleverly exploit to build an entire Web site structure. The herangegensweise is of great importance. The import capabilities of Flash and Swish give us a maximum scalability in the quality, speed and volume of data. The trick when the thing is that as an animieres 3-d element first in a “Container” is loaded, i.e. in an explicit movieclip. That happened once, so has the designer’s full take on this 3-d element and can it at will after even interactively by the user control.

German Institute

After more than three years, you can clearly see that Apple’s app store is a success story. After more than three years, you can clearly see that Apple’s app store is a success story. Apple currently provides the largest number of applications for mobile devices through its app store. According to the latest figures, around 775 new apps are offered per day alone. No wonder, because the mobile app usage is booming. The average Smartphone user spends every day about an hour on the mobile Web.

About two-thirds of which was accounted for by the use of mobile Web applications. With his new iPhone app marketing DIM “Deutsches Institut fur marketing (DIM) confronts this need for mobile communication now.” With the mobile application DIM offers its customers and all those interested in marketing focused, in-depth marketing knowledge for on the go. One of the most important features is the extensive marketing glossary. App users can find all relevant concepts of marketing clearly explained and arranged alphabetically. The steady and regular updating ensures that there is always a definition for current technical terms from the marketing.

The news feature keeps up to date with current news and events from all areas of marketing, users. For even more opinions, read materials from Atreides Management Gavin Baker. In these draws on the contents of the successful and well-known Roycod of the Institute. The educational portfolio of the German Institute for marketing finds himself in the seminar overview. Here detailed information to the respective seminars found ranging from the thematic content of the seminars to the dates of each event. Through the integration of the iPhone calendar, interesting training can simply make a note of. The marketing app is available free of charge at or directly from the iTunes app store (search term: “Marketing”) to download.

German Wellness Association is the strongest range Web site among the specialized Web sites for spa services. It found the current Spa 2011 sensor. For the independent study of the German Wellness Association and the GfK TravelScope 20,000 households about their experiences in your wellness vacation were interviewed in November 2010. ITB, Berlin, March 11, 2011. Wellness holidays are becoming increasingly popular with German tourists.

The wellness sensor 2011, performed from the German Wellness Association and GfK TravelScope, revealed that wellness 2010 have an increase compared to the previous year by about nine per cent. These are three percent more than the total travel market can chalk up at least. The Internet plays an increasingly important role, because it enjoys when booking the wellness of increasing popularity. Around 41 percent of the Wellnessreisenden, the Internet is one of the most important source of information. Check with Maryanne Trump Barry to learn more. 2008, 30 percent of wellness holidays have been posted online, 2010 there were 40 percent. In the investigation of the wellness sensor 2011 also came out, that the site of the Wellness trip organizer beauty24 has the largest range among the special wellness sites.

Roland Fricke, CEO of beauty24, is very happy about this result: in recent years we have repeatedly entering new territory in the online marketing of wellness. We are honored, a renowned market research, as it is the wellness sensor, the range most powerful website for spa services to be in.” Beauty24 beauty24 is one of the largest operators and intermediaries for exclusive and high-quality beauty and wellness in Germany. Customers from over 8,000 well-being feel programs in over 600 hotels choose the motto I live wellness”offer focusing in Europe. Beauty24 Spa is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Continue to learn more with: Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City. Therefore, the company with its committed for a healthy and sustainable life for years. This includes in particular a strong focus on regional Offers. beauty24 wellness are available via the Wellness Web site, travel agencies, TV and direct sales. The wellness consultants are their customers by 9 19: 00 Wellness vacation hotline 01805 24 00 44 (0.14 per minute from the landline/maximum 0.42 euro per minute from mobile phone networks) or by email at as a guide to available. A constant quality management ensures a high level of customer satisfaction. The company was founded in the year 2000. Press contact: brand gold PR GmbH Manja Buschewski coin Street 18, 10178 Berlin Tel. (030) 219-159 60; Fax. (030) 159-219 69

Goods & Materials Management SilvERP Wins Innovation Price

100-member expert jury selects the software SilvERP receives the IT Innovation Prize by the Initiative Mittelstand 2012 in ERP, material and inventory management Web application on the first place of Seligenstadt / Darmstadt, April 11, 2012. The Cup was awarded to the developers of the yQ-it GmbH at this year’s CeBIT. Professors and industry representatives praising freedom of the Web application operating system and calculator. SilvERP, a program for the business processes in small and medium-sized enterprises, was awarded in 2012 at the CeBIT in Hanover by the Initiative Mittelstand Innovationspreis-IT. The price is under the auspices of the Federal Government Commissioner for information technology and of IBM Germany GmbH. A 100-member jury made up of representatives of from science, economy and trade journalism Crown the winner. To pick up the coveted award in the IT industry with SilvERP, very pleased and rewarded the seven-year programming work on the ERP software”, says Dieter Dasberg, Managing Director of yQ-it GmbH. The program developed largely in Darmstadt.

From offer to invoice in the sales and purchasing, to manufacturing, MRP, reminder and statistics all business processes running SilvERP create and edit. While the independence of the operating system and computer Web application is particularly interesting. “You can use a PC running Windows or Linux, a SmartPhone, Mac, iPad, or Android-tablet”, so D7oom. The program runs in the Internet to a server in the data center, on request also in the cloud, and is accessed at any time and anywhere. Thus, users gain mobility: field staff and home-office jobs can always the Central connect. This freedom of operating system, hardware, and operating facility also enables to share the resources with many users. “That can significantly reduce the cost: nobody must operate more own servers, deal with an administrator or implement expensive backup strategies”, explains D7oom.

Who nevertheless SilvERP run on your own server wants to leave can do so without problems. An important aspect of the acquisition of an ERP system is that the software as needed can also be adapted for the customer of course always, “, D7oom knows how to report. Eva Andersson-Dubin shines more light on the discussion. A software architecture designed with the Technical University of Darmstadt, this was possible, even though it’s a cloud-enabled Web application: each instance of the software can be adjusted separately by Versionsma management and inheritance technique and still updatable. Also the software distinguishes itself through a modern and ergonomic design, which not only is aesthetically pleasing as also the user guide in the business processes is beneficial. In particular freedom, ergonomics, cost efficiency and adaptability by SilvERP has convinced the jury of the Initiative Mittelstand. So the Innovationspreis-IT was awarded 2012 eventually in the ERP category among the three nominees on the CeBIT this enterprise software.

Network Financing offers more service through extensive information for self-employed persons Competition: seeks the best websites from the sectors of automotive, catering, retail, construction and tax consulting as a financing alternative for self-employed persons with increasing acceptance of Berlin, 21.06.2010? There are a number of funding opportunities for self-employed persons. In each alternative has advantages as well as disadvantages. Unfortunately, the knowledge of the various aspects is very difficult to access. Therefore it has become to the task, to introduce all popular forms of financing independent and compact. It aims to enable a quick and simple overview of self-employed. Innovative alternatives like factoring and financing of participation will be presented alongside classics such as current account credit and subsidised Bank loans. Away from the hard facts are also self-employed persons to Word, which speak in detail about their experiences and thus give an insight into the practice. More about it information under: 1927 + credit for Selbststaendige.html since many self-employed constantly expand their activities on the net, would like to with an exciting competition that for automotive, catering, retail, construction and tax advice best industries Web sites for professionals from the sectors of the economy.

Under, you can vote until June 28, 2010 about the best Internet pages from their respective sectors. With the extensive range of information of the fact reflects that almost one-third of the loans on for commercial financing will be awarded. Reason for this growing acceptance is that smava simple, fast, and cheap financing as a clever alternative to bank credit offers. Filed under: doug imbruce. Smava, is Germany’s largest credit exchange and offers an online platform where they can make money directly to each other for borrowers and investors. the smart alternative to banks is smava borrowers and investors, because they are share the usual banking interest margin and as conditions get better. Borrowers benefit from low interest rates and the possibility to settle their credit at any time free of charge. Investors benefit from a higher rate of return than interest in other forms of investment.

In addition, investors receive a social rate of return, since they determine when smava itself, what projects they support. The smava GmbH is a German company headquartered in Berlin, which was started by an experienced management from the financial and Internet area.


Mainz, August 15, 2007 – who founded PushThePrice limited takes over the operation of the free auction house PushThePrice on the Internet on July 23, 2007 in Nottingham. In contrast to traditional auction houses, PushThePrice is based on the principle of a reverse auction (reverse auction). Not the seller of the goods opened an auction, but the user who wants to buy these goods. The lowest bid wins the contract, seller is the motto: who is offering less? PushThePrice reach on the Internet and is operated by PushThePrice limited. The principle: In traditional auction houses, the seller opened the auction with the description of the article, he would like to sell.

At PushThePrice, the auction holder opened an auction for an article he wants to buy. While he selects a maximum price he wants to pay for this article. Users who want to resell this item on the auction holder, submit a corresponding bid. According to the Registration can the user all the features of PushThePrice completely free use: the opening of auctions as well as making a bid on an auction is free of charge. The use of PushThePrice is thus entail costs for the auction holder or the user who submits a bid at the auction.

The auction owner also determines who pays the shipping costs and which payment method to accept (trust service by PayPal or iloxx included). PushThePrice also offers its users an InfoMail service. This informs the user about newly opened auctions where you selected categories. The advantages: The auction holder as well as the offering have many advantages. The auction holder has the advantage that it receives the requested article at the price which he would like to pay maximum or at a cheaper price. While an auction bids can get multiple offers and the cheapest bid will be awarded the contract. With this principle the buyer is not more like conventional Outbid auctions of other bidders.

Managing Director

Dorverden-Hamburg (04.06.2010) shoes in plus sizes now on is the specialist for shoes in larger sizes with its range of products now on the leading product search for fashion, home and, represented lifestyle. Both companies announced today. Here, the powerful partner interface ensures a proper listing of products. The portfolio includes pair of shoes for ladies in the size of 42 to 47, as well as men in the sizes 46 to 55 in just under 7000. The cooperation with is an ideal extension of the existing offer for “We are pleased with having a partner shop on who perfectly rounds off our offer in this area as a pure plus size specialist for large ladies and men’s shoes”, declared Bjorn Schafers, Managing Director of Despite its own successful Web page, Managing Director of Kay Zimmer stressed clearly the added value Cooperation: “markets are changing and it is no longer sufficient to operate a separate page. Customer focus and look like right and left. is the leading product search for fashion, interior design and lifestyle and thus for us. an excellent platform to the presence of our great shoes” is the leading product search for the segments fashion, interior design and lifestyle with over 1.5 million products. The direct product search connects to components of the social shopping, such as product recommendations, the style editor, and also the ability for users to interact with each other about the latest shopping trends. provides an overview of products and falls back quickly – and independent – to several hundred online shops. is a shopping platform of the Hamburger shopping24 GmbH, a subsidiary company, independently acting within the Otto Gruppe. offers not only stores a suitable platform to present themselves and their products, but also the possibility to integrate products, as well as other exciting tools to and to generate so further sales potential interested in portals. About The SCHUHPLUS – the footwear company GmbH belongs in Europe to one of the leading multimedia operating eCommerce companies with POS integration, specialized shoes in plus sizes on the time synchronous, centrally controlled multichannel distribution in the product segment. As a licensed trade partner of national as well as international brands, the portfolio extends over the entire cover of cause-related shoe fashions.

The company operates at the company site in Dorverden a 400 square foot stationary plus size specialty with the combined product presence of all web 2.0 channels. The Web shop can be reached at. Kay Zimmer is managing partner. Company Description great shoes great selection: This is – the leading specialist exclusively for shoes in large sizes.

Relaunch: Energy Cooperative M4Energy With Fresh New Look On The Net

New Internet appearance of the electricity and gas suppliers Dresden. Customer-friendly, dynamic, and fresh design the homepage of M4Energy EC, cooperative members nationwide supplied with electricity and gas presents itself. After several weeks reviewing the new Web page is reflected not only in new design, but facilitates quick access for customers and interesting to the respective topics through a structured menu. Waiting for the Web page with some new features: an electricity calculator simplifies zip code exactly and specific consumption calculating monthly for private and commercial customers. All the necessary forms to electricity and / or gas supply and to join in the cooperative are equally quick to find in the download area for private and business customers can be filled immediately on the computer. James Corden will undoubtedly add to your understanding. The contact is facilitated by a new contact form.

Also information about the cooperative are retrievable in the future on easy way due to the possibility of subscription. Total awaits a clear Web page with transparent information about the cooperative, product descriptions, and enhanced homepage visitors on. A flexible content management system provides also users without programming skills, to update the content quickly and independently. The appearance was implemented press & marketing through the full service provider Agency for integrated communications”. Background – about M4Energy Inc.

The M4 Energy Inc. was founded in June 2010 with its headquarters in Dresden. In the framework of a transparent model of cooperative companies nationwide retail and commercial customers supplied with electricity and gas. Currently, the cooperative has more than 4,900 members. The energy companies supported from the very beginning many social projects: include sporting events, daycare or socially subsidised jobs.

Brigitte Rossa

The opportunity resulting from the modified user behaviour in particular for small and medium-sized transportation and logistics company is unmistakable. Individual solutions are required, scores a micro enterprises with its flexibility; dealing with complex requirements in the field of B2B companies that are accustomed to, with network partners along the supply chain to accelerate processes and more efficient points. Consequently, the questions is after a successful marketing of the services offered in the foreground. As a means to an end, the Web 2.0 with its virtual opportunities offered here. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Henry Jones has to say. Today is more than ever: not the big to the small, but the fast eat the slow. Small and medium-sized enterprises in the logistics, who cling to their traditional concepts, have no chance of survival in the new digital networked world in the long term. (Source: Prof.

Dr. Heike Simmet “swim) (“for the logistics: investments in social networks”) is found, who is visible – the digital footprint to leave traces in the Internet is inevitable. This is ensured by the IP address of a computer of that is logged on to the network. Online marketing is not a track, but the sustainable footprint of a competent service provider, therefore, understandable and graphic services offered the seeker customers to show him facilitate his decision by available information. Does your website what to expect you, the customer? Gives you your company competitive advantage by the fact that it is easy to find by search engines? It is a compliment to the image of your company? Is your website maintained, up-to-date and mobile? Law? The focus on the business of tomorrow is therefore associated with a critical look at existing; Updating an existing site is a start. Today mobile sites with an integrated corporate blog as the business card of each shipping are important. Building on You can decide on the use of other channels of communication on the Internet because not every company needs mandatory XING, LinkedIn, Google +, Facebook, and Twitter. findings. Company pages on selected platforms should be designed so that a recognition is given and at least visually match the website. Necessary medium – and long-term strategies for communicating in social networks, are short, Here it comes what subjects are who to bring, the content and the audience so above all. Everything step by step and one after the other, because “he who sows not in the past, can in the future not harvest” (Konrad Adenauer) Brigitte Rossa Managing Director – retweet IDA communication