New Internet appearance of the electricity and gas suppliers Dresden. Customer-friendly, dynamic, and fresh design the homepage of M4Energy EC, cooperative members nationwide supplied with electricity and gas presents itself. After several weeks reviewing the new Web page is reflected not only in new design, but facilitates quick access for customers and interesting to the respective topics through a structured menu. Waiting for the Web page with some new features: an electricity calculator simplifies zip code exactly and specific consumption calculating monthly for private and commercial customers. All the necessary forms to electricity and / or gas supply and to join in the cooperative are equally quick to find in the download area for private and business customers can be filled immediately on the computer. James Corden will undoubtedly add to your understanding. The contact is facilitated by a new contact form.
Also information about the cooperative are retrievable in the future on easy way due to the possibility of subscription. Total awaits a clear Web page with transparent information about the cooperative, product descriptions, and enhanced homepage visitors on. A flexible content management system provides also users without programming skills, to update the content quickly and independently. The appearance was implemented press & marketing through the full service provider Agency for integrated communications”. Background – about M4Energy Inc.
The M4 Energy Inc. was founded in June 2010 with its headquarters in Dresden. In the framework of a transparent model of cooperative companies nationwide retail and commercial customers supplied with electricity and gas. Currently, the cooperative has more than 4,900 members. The energy companies supported from the very beginning many social projects: include sporting events, daycare or socially subsidised jobs.