Torsten Bogausch

This basic treatment, it is also from the year 2005. In contrast to the statutory pensions do not increase the taxable shares, but sink even. Example: Hermine design women has a lifetime in a private pension insurance paid up. When she retire at the age of 65, she receives a monthly pension in addition to the statutory pensions also from the private pension insurance of EUR 500.

27% so had she taxed 1,620 EUR in 2004 by this pension, is the taxable portion from the year 2005 only 18% or EUR 1,080. Tax the payment of life insurance also the taxation of one time payments from life insurance has been changed by the retirement income law. One time payments were tax free, so far from life insurance in certain circumstances these are liable to tax in the future. But sighs of relief: for all life insurance contracts that were concluded before 1 January 2005, also still the full tax exemption. Circumstances ensure transparency who now believes that the IRS already not will catch him, which is wrong. So all actually pay their taxes, a system was introduced by circumstances.

Any insurance, regardless of whether the statutory insurance institution (DRV, etc.) or private insurance. is obliged to report the pensions paid out once a year. Thus, the tax office has a complete overview how much everyone from his insurance has received. Next to it is carried out E.g. also an introduce by the banks to the Treasury about the interest – exempted due to the orders of exemption from the withholding tax deduction and dividend income. Merged all this data about the tax identification number allocated since August 2008. Many of the data needed for the taxation of pensioners have already collected at the tax office. Some retirees can count on a prompt so to submit of an income tax return with the IRS. ETL – fact sheet old age pension Act for retiree Schmidt & Partner GmbH Steuerberatungsgesellschaft NL Weisswasser – Torsten Bogausch.

River Seven Returns

In these places, climatic conditions vary very of the summer for the winter, when the frosts are frequent. The ground is little thick and propitious to the formation of hmus, had to the temperatures lowest. In this landscape if they point out the springs of the rivers Cubato, Black, Pira and of the Jlio, being a transistion region enters the Mountain range of the Sea and plateaus, possessing high ambient value. (GONALVES, 2004) Some species of Fauna gifts in the region where he is situated the city of Joinville are: cougar (concolor Leopardus); jaguatirica (Leopardus pardalis); tapir (Tapirus terrestris); mateiro deer (American Mazana); owl (koeniswaldiana Pulsatrix); gavio-pigeon (Leucopternis lacernulata); parrot (malachitacea Triclaria); araponga (You procreate nudicollis); ferret (Galictis whose); hand – bare (Procyon cancrivorus); capivara (Hydrochaeris hidrocaeris); musical instrument d' water (Chironectes minimus); irara (barbarous Eira); otter (Lutra longicaudis); quati (Nasua nasua); paca (paca Agouti); monkey – I nail (Cepus apella); bugio – ruivo (Alouatta guariba) etc. the hydrography of the city presents the following basins: Basin of the River Waterfall with total area of 84,82 km, the springs meets approximately in an altitude of 40 meters. The estuary is characterized as a estuarina region, under the influence of the tides, where areas remaining of manguezais meet. Main tributaries: Good river I remove, River High Mount, River Matias, River Jaguaro, River Bucarein, River Itaum-Au and Rio Itaum-Mirim. Basin of the River Palmital, drains an area of 357,6 km (including Garuva) the main tributaries: River Cinnamon, Pretty River, River Three Bars, River Seven Returns and River Ounce.

Basin of the River Cubato, with area of 483,8 km is the more important greater and of the City. It is born in the Burnt Mountain range and it empties in the River Palmital. Main tributaries: River Quiriri and Rio of the Silver. Basin of the River Pira, drains an area of 569,5 km, main tributaries: River Pira, River Quati, River Red Waters, River Owner Cristina and Rio of the Jump.


The Real

The profit after tax per share amounted to analog to the consolidated net income to EUR 0.37 (9 / 2008: 0.59 EUR). End of October 2009 the DIC asset AG increased its share of the DIC ONSITE GmbH by 25.1 percent to 100 percent. The DIC asset AG took over property and facility management in August 2006 by the Mannheim Fay Group 74.9 percent of their asset. Fay has sold its share of 25.1 percent, held so far on the DIC asset. That is the important and also productive Division fully integrated for the internal management of the real estate portfolio in the DIC real estate group, which for the DIC asset AG is also a permanent increase in income from this business. Ulrich Holler, CEO of DIC asset AG: With our sustainable business model and the operational strength of our management team, we have already reached our FFO forecast in the third quarter and are able to increase them significantly. The DIC asset is in the persistently difficult market environment also by the complete takeover of the DIC ONSITE good and stable.” For information about the DIC asset AG, as well as the 2009 nine-month financial report, on the Internet at. About DIC asset AG, the 2002 established DIC asset AG, based in Frankfurt am Main is a real estate company with exclusive investment focus on commercial real estate in Germany and yield-oriented investment policy.

DIC asset AG’s real estate portfolio encompasses approximately 2 million m area, divided between 326 objects. The Real estate portfolio is divided into three segments: the core portfolio comprises longer-term own stock with stable and attractive rental yields. the value-added portfolio includes real estate with interesting value growth potential in the medium-term focus of the system; in the opportunistic co-investments are real estate investments with higher yield-risk profile to find out be placed after repositioning within an individual business plan. The assisted housing stock amounted to EUR 3.3 billion. The DIC asset AG has been listed since June 2006 in the SDAX. Press contact: Thomas Pfaff communication Hochlstr. 2 D-81675 Munich phone: + 49-89-992496-50 fax: + 49-89-992496-52 kontakt at