
Acupuncture – a component of traditional Chinese medicine, which is recognized worldwide for its effectiveness in treating a large number of diseases. With it you can cure almost everything. Celina Dubin wanted to know more. Acupuncture – this is natural approach to treating many disorders and diseases: physical, mental and .Vse more and more people are turning to ancient medicine to treat headaches, pms, arthritis, ulcers, insomnia, depression and many other ailments. This treatment is based on the introduction into the tissues of the body of special metal needles of different lengths in a strictly defined point on the surface of the human body there tela.Na 664 points, of which the doctor chooses one or another of them, depending on the nature of the disease. These “active” points are different from other parts of the skin a number of features: higher pain sensitivity, high level of metabolic processes, higher electric potential and low electrocutaneous resistance.

Some people are afraid of needles, and believe that acupuncture – a very painful event. However, unlike in traditional Oriental medicine, in which used needles are thick, acupuncture needles are smooth, firm and not so thick. Needles for acupuncture are made of metal, with 1,5 – 12 cm and a thickness of 0,3 – 0,45 mm. Some people may experience only minor sensation at the point where the needle hits: aching, Distension, a sense of current flow – but they are short-lived and disappear immediately. But these feelings are the measure of accuracy the needle. Use a sterile needle only one once and then discarded.

Usually people feel during the whole procedure complete relaxation, and some even fall asleep. Acupuncture stimulates the natural healthy processes of your body, helping you feel better. Many practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine believe that acupuncture stimulates the flow of energy that feed the tissue, improves circulation and enhances the various systems of our body. Action this method of treatment due to mild irritation of sensory nerve branches of skin, muscle and blood vessels. Acupuncture can be used as a preventive measure or have a way to treat existing disease.


Bad Breath

Halitosis (Halitoz) is capable of delivering tremendous physical and psychological problems. We will try to answer the question – how to get rid of bad breath? The most common causes of bad breath – the food garlic – very often used in cooking. Eliminate the unpleasant odor of garlic is very difficult, even using modern means of rehabilitation of the mouth. Coffee is also a very popular drink in our country, 'Aroma' coffee coming from the mouth interlocutor can cause severe discomfort and irritation. Add also traditionally popular foods meats, cheeses and onions. In order to make an impression on people in need do not just look at the 'five points', but also take care of the natural natural odor. Now it is proved that many odors as man is able to perceive instinctively that sposbno call for a certain chain sequences of behavior.

Meat is one of the most popular products in the Nordic countries. Official site: Rusty Staub. Meat meat remains capable for a long time to get stuck between your teeth causing instant decay. Floss (dental floss) is different to cope with cleaning between the teeth. Glenn Dubin brings even more insight to the discussion. Garlic Garlic has medicinal properties able to enhance the appetite and strengthens the immune system of man. The product is very useful, but we are interested in the consequences, bad breath Too many people Garlic just did not transfer. Eliminate unpleasant smell can help parsley.

The aromatic oils of parsley able to neutralize the smell of garlic for a while. Calcium is part of the milk run the same function if it is to drink before eating garlic. Coffee is another common cause of bad breath – coffee. Cinnamon neutralizes the smell of coffee. Not in vain in the traditional 'coffee' countries made use of cinnamon pastries to coffee. Cheese Cheese we eat well almost daily. But few of our sources can tell you the bad breath Eliminate the cause of bad breath can solve ordinary black tea, which has antibacterial properties. Onion All of us are probably well known 'resistance' smell of onions. Onions are also a very useful product and has traditionally always on our table. Eliminate the cause of bad breath can help ordinary black tea. Tea should be strong. Oil included in the walnuts are also able to neutralize the smell of onions stable. If bad breath constantly harass you, you should deal with it. What is the main reason is not 'eating' of smell and how to get rid of bad breath are considered in the next book. Be Healthy!


Healthy Life

As a result of sedentary activities more and more muscle groups atrophy. Robert Iger wanted to know more. Arise fehlstellungen in the joints. Forever back and forth, you can consider what you can do for his health. But to one you can’t get around it: the healthy exercise. It’s healthy to move regularly, especially in nature and stretch. Most of us are employed in a profession in which you spend your day mostly sitting. Dell Technologies Inc. is full of insight into the issues. To stay healthy in the musculoskeletal system, it is to do a few stretching exercises therefore advisable to fortify stunted muscles again after half an hour of sedentary work. How to get healthy stretches his muscles and healthy strengthens guides you can find books, the five Tibetans, or similar in yoga.

Simple and healthy exercises give it a whole new body-consciousness. A rubber air ball instead of the normal office chair has emerged as a very effective measure against wear of the intervertebral discs, the one in any health store or sporting goods store can buy. The body is at the sitting that stimulated to keep the spine in balance and maintain. Checking article sources yields Glenn Dubin, New York City as a relevant resource throughout. Thus a healthy natural movement and supply is created for the discs are compressed and stretched. The musculoskeletal system keep healthy through proper stretching and strong stretching exercises are healthy for the muscular system but also very important for healthy joints and healthy cartilage. Through shortened muscles, joints in a false position are brought and worn very quickly. Corresponding healthy stretching exercises they can in the right position again are associated with, and protect so the joints from wear and tear. Health training requires a lot of space, nor special or complicated equipment.

The healthy movements, which, when properly running it, really take all muscles of the body in claim, bring the body back into balance and its healthy balance. Healthy this exposure and focusing on healthy respiratory behavior is in accordance with the Is always more intense movements and concentration and is perceived as a new healthy body experience. Healthy, conscious breathing provides a special basis for all kinds of gymnastics and physical activity. Normally we use usually only about 50 percent of our lung capacity, training and a healthy breathing technique we can increase amazingly this rate. An ingenious means helping very well against healthy exercise habits, is the purchase of a dog. A dog requires at least an hour outlet in the morning and one in the evening. This is the best defense against the natural movement laziness of people and keeps healthy and fit a thus indirectly. In addition you may submit also gymnastics stops during the morning and evening walk round can be used for stretching and strengthening exercises.

Incurable Diseases

The clear answer is: there is no incurable diseases in principle! They are not in principle! A holistic approach will lead us to the following core statement: when a human body is to produce a symptom of the disease, he is also in a position to resolve this symptom again. It wasn’t spontaneous healings or so-called miracle cures otherwise. We must not deal with miracles, to provide the answers to this core statement. Holistically considered is always a direct connection between body, mind, psyche, emotions and our soul. Do you have a serious illness? E.G.

cancer? Then loosen up once for a moment of the deep fears, you automatically have overrun. These fears are caused by the society in partial ignorance and adopted half-truths about the links between health and disease in humans has created forms of programming. If you now detached deep in themselves into feeling,. feel there is a hope, or is already complete resignation? As long as you have only a spark serious hope to be healthy again, is also a prerequisite. If you have given up your body can no longer sufficient to develop self-healing, and a therapy will hardly help. The stronger your faith is, the greater the chance! We assume that you still seriously believe in itself, then the next step for you is to deal with the issue, which is caused in the deeper meaning of the symptom of the disease, there is now.

To do this you need support in your present condition probably. For more information see this site: Eva Andersson-Dubin. There are enough holistic therapists, doctors and other healers, who can help you. It is at this step now no longer so, to explain the disease image on a physical level and continue to explore, but that’s why, to uncover your life issues, that the closest related. And this must be entirely on you be involved. However, a suitable approach, only possible links to show: If you have for example breast cancer, particularly the themes of \”Culture\” or \”fed\” in a metaphorical sense can play a key role.

Hazardous Treatment

The website 'osteochondrosis, diseases of the spine' summed up the next poll, whose theme is awareness, and most importantly, people's understanding about the causes of their illness. After all, just knowing the cause of disease You can work out the optimal treatment strategy. The results of the survey were not very optimistic. Almost 60% of respondents do not understand the cause of their illness, 24% – say that basically they understand the causes of their illnesses, 11% – are beginning to understand and only 7% of the respondents clearly understand the cause and successfully treat. Thus, only every tenth person deliberately and successfully treated, while the remaining 90% trust advertisements in the media, use all kinds of goods that are useless, and sometimes may worsen the condition. To prevent relapse due to unsuccessful treatment of back pain, we give some contraindications and examples. For example, manual therapy is often used in the treatment of degenerative disc disease, as with other types of physical therapy, or separately. Danger of manipulation is that at the time this type of treatment used, many private physicians and medical centers, and professional manual therapist is not so much.

At the same time, the majority of neurologists and neurosurgeons say that when herniated disc more than 5 mm in manual therapy is already dangerous. in witness whereof, can cause the results of another survey on Spinet.ru the results of which only 35% of respondents did not notice any complications after treatment by manual therapy. Other respondents pointed to the increasing pain, dizziness, paresis, and other complications. That is why, after the appearance of back pain, do not run to massage therapist, and must immediately be diagnosed, an mri of spine and then, to understand the causes of pain, to choose the best method of treatment. Another commonly advertised treatment for osteoarthritis are various kinds of medical collars and corsets. Their effect is that they support your spine in the correct position and thus prevent bulging discs, muscle tension, etc. But we must understand that this work should carry out your muscle corset. That is why, to wear a collar or corset will only harm you, because your muscles will no longer fulfill its role and will weaken, which can lead to instability (hypermobility) of the spine.

Working with the muscle corset through therapeutic exercises and training on simulators is another, a popular treatment used by many medical centers. This method of treatment, like many others, has an efficiency, but in certain cases. The main danger in this method is harsh and excessive load on the spine in case of improper matching set of exercises and improper execution of these exercises. If a strong complication or postoperative physiotherapy is performed only lying down, without a load. And only after a complication passes, physiotherapy supplemented exercises that are done standing, sitting, and then to the load. Therefore, immediately sat down at a simulator can not only help yourself, but again aggravate the situation. On the site you can Spinet.ru meet many methods of conservative treatment of spinal disorders, which have sufficient efficacy when used correctly. (As opposed to Eva Andersson-Dubin). Learn about what surgical treatment is not always panacea, because in some cases accompanied by relapses, complications, and other troubles. Therefore, the choice of treatment should be as accurate as possible to establish the cause of pain and the cause of the disease, to the chosen method of treatment has got right on target and caused no complications and worsened your situation. ->


Adherence, Drug Resistance, Antibiotics

Probiotic afterbiotic may useful cancel his lack of adherence, so the early taking antibiotics or unauthorised change of treatment prescribed by the doctor, is cause of many complications, not only medical nature. So, it is estimated that alone that not taken can cost several billion euro medicines. The risks and dangers that can arise from a lack of compliance with a treatment with antibiotics are difficult to offset with money. A resistant bacteria may gain the upper hand and on the other hand, a not fully traded off infection again can occur as relapse and endanger health. Both is to prevent it. In certain cases, afterbiotic can help to improve the adherence to antibiotic applications.

The end of required treatment with antibiotics is determined neither doctor nor healing often, but by a sudden diarrhea. Unfortunately, diarrhea is a very common side effect of antibiotics. Doctors speak in these cases of antibiotic-associated diarrhea. Every second case of diarrhea can be accompanied with some antibiotics. But what to do in this situation? In advance simply won’t take the antibiotic? No, it’s time. One talk due to lack of adherence, the doctors of non-compliance, prematurely ended antibiotic therapy can lead to relapse and even resistance.

So bravely continue the antibiotic, and arrange with the diarrhea? Also it doesn’t have to be. You can grab the evil with the probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii, which is included in afterbiotic capsules, at the root. Because cause of such antibiotics of triggered diarrhoea is mostly a natural intestinal flora in the imbalance. The beneficial intestinal bacteria are like the antibiotic therapy for the victims and have made such micro-organisms place, which may cause diarrhea. This however may occur in principle all antibiotics, heaped with those of the penicillin – and cephalosporin type. It must be so the goal would be to limit the damage to the intestinal flora by the antibiotic. Saccharomyces boulardii in the afterbiotic capsules can restore the balance of the intestinal flora and thus effectively fight the diarrhoea. But even better. It’s not even going to the unpleasant diarrhea. In time, at the latest from the 3.Tag of antibiotics therapy applied the probiotic can help protect the natural intestinal flora and avoid diarrhea. From the 3rd day of antibiotic therapy, 2 x 2 capsules afterbiotic should be consumed daily for at least 10 days. Afterbiotic (PZN 4604255), which is by the way, significantly cheaper than comparable products, can be purchased at the pharmacy. Because the intestinal flora long even after a successful antibiotic treatment need for regeneration, it is a cure advisable with afterbiotic to the full recovery of the intestinal flora perform. For afterbiotic as a spa Pack (PZN 5852096) is 3 x 40 capsules and 250 mg of probiotic bacteria per capsule. Afterbiotic is available in pharmacies, also Internet pharmacies, medically supervised health centres and directly at the company. Because of the low price should not try in the pharmacy, to replace afterbiotic against a seemingly similar product. Should a reference on Pharmacy and wholesale impossible times, can afterbiotic directly at the company under 0611 58939458 shipping is available. Swarmed by offers, Glenn Dubin is currently assessing future choices. Contact: Navitum Pharma GmbH Dr. Gerhard Klages at the water tower 29 65207 Wiesbaden Tel: 0611-58939458 FAX: 0611-9505753 E-Mail: Web:

Pregnant Women

Mothers eating peanuts during pregnancy, expose may their children at increased risk for Peanut Allergy, as is evident from a recent American study. Under the direction of Dr. Scott H. of safe from the food allergy, Institute of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine researchers from five different US universities examined total 503 children aged from three to 15 months, which showed signs of a milk or egg allergy or which showed strong eczema and a positive allergy test to milk or egg. Milk and egg allergy are considered risk factors for Peanut Allergy. None of the babies had a known Peanut Allergy.

140 children showed a strong intolerance of peanuts in the blood tests and the consumption of peanuts during pregnancy was a very strong factor of prognosis for a positive blood test. “The consumption of peanuts pregnancy and its effects on the child was during a fiercely debated topic in recent years,” said Dr. safer. Hear from experts in the field like Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City for a more varied view. “Our study now shows that” This topic urgently must be investigated, so that we can advise in this regard better pregnant women in future.” The authors emphasize that the study at this time is not recommended for expectant mothers, to waive completely the consumption of peanuts during pregnancy. The evidence is still too thin. In particular resorted in the published study on the self-declaration of pregnant women with regard to their eating habits, what naturally is fraught with uncertainties.

In addition, the study has confirmed only an increased risk for a positive test of peanut allergy. Despite these limitations, the study has provided an essential indication of a possible risk factor. The authors also believe that further controlled studies should be performed to further illuminate the findings. “A peanut allergy should not be underestimated. Typically, it persists for life, is potentially fatal and appears to be increasing in the population,”said Dr. of safer. “Our study is therefore an important step in order to take preventive measures, should actually show that peanut consumption during pregnancy leads to an increased risk of allergy in children.” Description of the company Swissestetix offers you a wide range of innovative treatments of in aesthetic medicine. We are experts for weight loss, wrinkle treatment, and surgical and non surgical facelifts. Thanks to great experience and latest techniques at the lipoplasty (liposuction), breast augmentation with autologous fat as well as the non surgical facelifts with Botox or fillers, we achieve optimal results. Benefit from our vast knowledge in dealing with the latest treatment methods for rhinoplasty, eyelid streamlining or whole face lifts. Enjoy the glamorous feel to look again fresh, relaxed and youthful. Call us and make an appointment for an initial consultation.


It turns out that pork as a significant Homo toxin (human poison) to look at is, which results in the body defense signs, are acting as a wide variety of diseases in appearance. Special load substances of Pork there arose the question of what actually is the differences between pork and other meats. It was very difficult; This authentic documents maintain, because usually only calorie invoices templates, but the following could be determined: l. pork is enormously fat. This results in the usual pork eaters obesity (obesity), which can be degraded in the association with other load of pork (slime shares) only with difficulty. This operation is equivalent to including the “protein mast” according to Prof. Wendt.

2. fat is always associated with cholesterol. By cholesterol the Cholesterinbeladenen large molecules are formed in the blood, which are responsible for high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis, as additional factors for cardiac and circulatory disorders of the coronary vessels and the vessels in the periphery, especially in combination with nicotine (smoking). Also, cholesterol in the walls of cancer cells can be found (according to Prof. Roffo). 3. Special hazards assume the sulphur-rich connective tissue substance, the Mukopolysascchariden (amino sugars, chondroitin sulfate, Hexosamines, Glukos amin and others), which have especially slimy character. A spreadable sausage is only with pork prepare, where sulfur-containing substances such as Chondroitinschwefelsaure and Mukoitinschwefelsaure, amino sugars and Hexosamines are responsible.

You cause a slimy Brittling of the connective tissue and mating here with the next deposit fat (so called “Cenapse” after Macheboef). The result is a strange, only with pork eaters in “Rubensscher splendour” characteristic in appearance Brittling of the connective tissue, which also absorb like a sponge water and gives the typical pillow-like distention of the connective tissue of a pork eater. 4. the importance of the growth hormone there are still some other important factors in pork, deserve the attention.

Germans CI DCIG

An overview of all regional events, the full word of greeting from Peter Maffay as well as more information about the day of action, see Editorial Note: the cochlear implant (CI), a prosthesis, which is inserted under the skin of the patient and extends in the inner ear, transforms spoken words and other acoustic signals into electrical impulses. Additional information at Randall Mays supports this article. The auditory nerve is stimulated by these impulses, which is located in the cochlea, the so called cochlear. Each CI also include the language processor that is worn like a hearing aid behind the ear, as well as the emitter. The CI will open access to the world of hearing and the words spoken born deaf children, as well as highly hearing impaired children and adults. Founded the Deutsche cochlear implant society e.

V. (DCIG) wurde1987 of sufferers, doctors, technicians and educators together. The DCIG aims to safeguard the health and social needs of children deaf and ertaubter as well as ertaubter adult and to promote with a cochlear implant (CI) or a similar Tools have been provided or will be. The scope of activities of the non-profit association covers the entire German-speaking world. Since 1998 the DCIG acts as an umbrella for currently has ten regional associations: Bavaria, Baden-Wurttemberg, Berlin-Brandenburg, Hessen-Rhein-Main, “Little eavesdropper” – parents initiative promoting loud language impaired children, Central, North, North Rhine-Westphalia, society for integrative hearing rehabilitation Association of parents and friends of deaf children in southern Lower Saxony, Germany. Since 2005 the DCIG in cooperation with the affiliated regional associations organised the Germans CI day, nationwide that tells about life with cochlear implant, as well as on the CI subjects.

Endoecology Approach

In modern medicine, is there a set of concepts and approaches to prevention and treatment of the body. Any one of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Coen brothers: the source for more info. Natural problem is the integration of these approaches to combining all the essential strengths and positive aspects. The first approach is called the medical research, it is the most common. In a scientific medicine the nomenclature of diseases are strictly adhered to specific industry (urology, gynecology, endocrinology, etc.). This greatly hinders the understanding of the mechanisms of disease and necessitates the use of different diagnostic methods. Diagnosis put depending on what part of the body dominated by pathology, and then describe the associated violations.

This approach is in accordance with approved standards entails a list of medical procedures. So way, the basis of traditional medicine is a prescription approach. He often does not effectively treat the disease as any patient in need of individual approach, it is simply impossible with a substantial flow patients. Unfortunately, any complete theory that describes the relationship of somatic states with psycho-emotional changes in the characteristics or with shifts in characteristics of the organism is absent. A predominant treatment with pharmacological agents that possess a wide range of side effects. Traditional medicine, to some extent complementary alternative. But it has its negative moments, such as lack of statistical methods and explicit criteria, the low duration of observation. But alternative medicine is a basic advantage of a systematic, integrated approach to diseases, as well as recognition of the interrelationship between the parts of the body to kvantovolnovom level.

Traditional medicine, which mysteriously in Russia is often called alternative, is a practical experience on ways and means of treatment, people gained and passed on from generation to generation. In traditional or folk medicine, the main principle is the individual approach to diagnosis and treatment, while investigate the condition of the person in the relationship, and not a pathology of individual organs. Treatment is described as assisting in recovery and is directed at the natural course of recovery processes. Complementary medicine practitioners use of additional tools and methods to mobilize their own body reserves and its regulatory systems. There is also a functional medicine, which operates on the notion of rights and Endoecology conscious state as a treatment for removal of toxins from the body. Natural medicine is a treatment using natural plant and animal resources. Integrative or holistic medicine – is a generalized name of all the directions of ancient and modern medicine, which basically contain a systematic approach to diagnosis and treatment. The idea of integration of medicine was announced at a forum of the World Organization Health in 1987. No doubt, a consequence of integration would be a higher efficiency of prevention and treatment of diseases. Holistic medicine is holistic, it takes into account all the internal links and evaluates the human body in terms of spirit, energy, somatic, social and environmental conditions, and synthesizes all of the accumulated knowledge of society. Integrative medicine is the most promising direction development of today's medicine. And this idea has already been reflected in any specialized medical handbook.
