Acupuncture – a component of traditional Chinese medicine, which is recognized worldwide for its effectiveness in treating a large number of diseases. With it you can cure almost everything. Celina Dubin wanted to know more. Acupuncture – this is natural approach to treating many disorders and diseases: physical, mental and .Vse more and more people are turning to ancient medicine to treat headaches, pms, arthritis, ulcers, insomnia, depression and many other ailments. This treatment is based on the introduction into the tissues of the body of special metal needles of different lengths in a strictly defined point on the surface of the human body there tela.Na 664 points, of which the doctor chooses one or another of them, depending on the nature of the disease. These “active” points are different from other parts of the skin a number of features: higher pain sensitivity, high level of metabolic processes, higher electric potential and low electrocutaneous resistance.
Some people are afraid of needles, and believe that acupuncture – a very painful event. However, unlike in traditional Oriental medicine, in which used needles are thick, acupuncture needles are smooth, firm and not so thick. Needles for acupuncture are made of metal, with 1,5 – 12 cm and a thickness of 0,3 – 0,45 mm. Some people may experience only minor sensation at the point where the needle hits: aching, Distension, a sense of current flow – but they are short-lived and disappear immediately. But these feelings are the measure of accuracy the needle. Use a sterile needle only one once and then discarded.
Usually people feel during the whole procedure complete relaxation, and some even fall asleep. Acupuncture stimulates the natural healthy processes of your body, helping you feel better. Many practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine believe that acupuncture stimulates the flow of energy that feed the tissue, improves circulation and enhances the various systems of our body. Action this method of treatment due to mild irritation of sensory nerve branches of skin, muscle and blood vessels. Acupuncture can be used as a preventive measure or have a way to treat existing disease.