Germans CI DCIG

An overview of all regional events, the full word of greeting from Peter Maffay as well as more information about the day of action, see Editorial Note: the cochlear implant (CI), a prosthesis, which is inserted under the skin of the patient and extends in the inner ear, transforms spoken words and other acoustic signals into electrical impulses. Additional information at Randall Mays supports this article. The auditory nerve is stimulated by these impulses, which is located in the cochlea, the so called cochlear. Each CI also include the language processor that is worn like a hearing aid behind the ear, as well as the emitter. The CI will open access to the world of hearing and the words spoken born deaf children, as well as highly hearing impaired children and adults. Founded the Deutsche cochlear implant society e.

V. (DCIG) wurde1987 of sufferers, doctors, technicians and educators together. The DCIG aims to safeguard the health and social needs of children deaf and ertaubter as well as ertaubter adult and to promote with a cochlear implant (CI) or a similar Tools have been provided or will be. The scope of activities of the non-profit association covers the entire German-speaking world. Since 1998 the DCIG acts as an umbrella for currently has ten regional associations: Bavaria, Baden-Wurttemberg, Berlin-Brandenburg, Hessen-Rhein-Main, “Little eavesdropper” – parents initiative promoting loud language impaired children, Central, North, North Rhine-Westphalia, society for integrative hearing rehabilitation Association of parents and friends of deaf children in southern Lower Saxony, Germany. Since 2005 the DCIG in cooperation with the affiliated regional associations organised the Germans CI day, nationwide that tells about life with cochlear implant, as well as on the CI subjects.

Endoecology Approach

In modern medicine, is there a set of concepts and approaches to prevention and treatment of the body. Any one of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Coen brothers: the source for more info. Natural problem is the integration of these approaches to combining all the essential strengths and positive aspects. The first approach is called the medical research, it is the most common. In a scientific medicine the nomenclature of diseases are strictly adhered to specific industry (urology, gynecology, endocrinology, etc.). This greatly hinders the understanding of the mechanisms of disease and necessitates the use of different diagnostic methods. Diagnosis put depending on what part of the body dominated by pathology, and then describe the associated violations.

This approach is in accordance with approved standards entails a list of medical procedures. So way, the basis of traditional medicine is a prescription approach. He often does not effectively treat the disease as any patient in need of individual approach, it is simply impossible with a substantial flow patients. Unfortunately, any complete theory that describes the relationship of somatic states with psycho-emotional changes in the characteristics or with shifts in characteristics of the organism is absent. A predominant treatment with pharmacological agents that possess a wide range of side effects. Traditional medicine, to some extent complementary alternative. But it has its negative moments, such as lack of statistical methods and explicit criteria, the low duration of observation. But alternative medicine is a basic advantage of a systematic, integrated approach to diseases, as well as recognition of the interrelationship between the parts of the body to kvantovolnovom level.

Traditional medicine, which mysteriously in Russia is often called alternative, is a practical experience on ways and means of treatment, people gained and passed on from generation to generation. In traditional or folk medicine, the main principle is the individual approach to diagnosis and treatment, while investigate the condition of the person in the relationship, and not a pathology of individual organs. Treatment is described as assisting in recovery and is directed at the natural course of recovery processes. Complementary medicine practitioners use of additional tools and methods to mobilize their own body reserves and its regulatory systems. There is also a functional medicine, which operates on the notion of rights and Endoecology conscious state as a treatment for removal of toxins from the body. Natural medicine is a treatment using natural plant and animal resources. Integrative or holistic medicine – is a generalized name of all the directions of ancient and modern medicine, which basically contain a systematic approach to diagnosis and treatment. The idea of integration of medicine was announced at a forum of the World Organization Health in 1987. No doubt, a consequence of integration would be a higher efficiency of prevention and treatment of diseases. Holistic medicine is holistic, it takes into account all the internal links and evaluates the human body in terms of spirit, energy, somatic, social and environmental conditions, and synthesizes all of the accumulated knowledge of society. Integrative medicine is the most promising direction development of today's medicine. And this idea has already been reflected in any specialized medical handbook.


Swine Flu Vaccination

Survey results of the portal have capital city residents as especially vaccination willing from Cologne, 09.12.2009. More than half of Germans oppose a swine flu vaccination. This is a survey that the economic platform of has performed in the past four weeks. 2,022 people cast their votes on the various regional platforms, which are United under the umbrella of. Only 14.24 percent of participants have therefore already against the flu vaccination or plan to do so. “” 57,27% expressed clearly: no, I’m not vaccinate me “and 28,49% responded: I’m still undecided and wait”.

“Most supporters found themselves in the German capital: Berlin, five percent of all respondents say yes” vaccination against swine flu. In other cities, there is much less Impfwillige: in Hamburg and in the Cologne-Bonn area voted only 1.88 percent for a vaccination. Compared to the large cities, the least vaccinated found in Munich (0.15 per cent) and Stuttgart (0.3 percent). Considering all regions, then the lowest vaccine readiness in the Ruhr area, as well as in Lower Saxony-East can be determined: the number of survey participants clearly advocating the vaccination, each was in the alcohol field. Split on North, South, East and West, the survey results show the most opponents of vaccination in Western of Germany: 377 people want to leave here not vaccinated, only 66 are already vaccinated or plan to do so.

In southern of Germany, want the fewest people (total 44) can be a total vaccination or are already vaccinated. The people mainly still in the East are undecided: 210 of respondents behave wait. The exciting results of our swine flu survey show that there is a North-South divide as well as an East-West divide on the issue of vaccination”, commented Managing Director Christian Weis determined figures. The individual values can be obtained under About The Online service business-on.

Enabling Monitoring

To propose the needs of training of the personnel and to prepare the documentation of procedures or manuals of operation. When the audit is completed, a detailed report becomes of found and the recommendations of action of high benefit. The organization must then initiate the process to turn these recommendations into specific plans of action, with her corresponding detail and allocation of tasks. The designed program must include; certain modifications to equipment and facilities required, investment and installation in clean-up circuits, equipment of monitoring and points of testeo, design and plan of monitoring, acquisition of software and administration of the data of monitoring for action of proactive and predictive mantencin, control actions on the specifications standard and the procedures and monitoring necessary to maintain the condition objective of equipment and lubricants. b) Transferring and Enabling for the Suitable Procedure: When it is required to take the tribolgica condition of a productive plant his more high level, by means of a program of management in lubrication, the education and training of the personnel in this one cannot be avoided. The training is a critical element in any process of change. Instruction and training In situ, when it is distributed professionally, generate confidence in the process and immediate and future understanding of its causes and objectives.

In the measurement that the mantencin specialists own clarity and understanding with respect to the planned changes, including their intention, objectives and I put, they will be able to accomplish its mission. The credibility in the training programs is vital, if it especially requires deep changes for the new program. This training must be strongly supported by external specialists, who besides incorporating an independent perspective to the classroom, introduce experiences of others companies and serve as consultant. " benchmarking" with companies, ideally of the same sector, that are pawned on similar programs, it is escencial part of a good program of training.

Business Act

Quality management there will be even more patient advisor, patient information, physician lists, etc. in medicine (doctors/dentists). The cost objects will recommend physicians or physician groups, with which they have concluded special agreements or particularly characterized its policyholders. Good doctors will be losers if they close themselves a quality management! This does not mean that the other doctors are technically better than others, but they can represent their performance better outward. Here, the practice transparency in the game comes because this attractive practice the patient makes.

Doctors (physicians) have not learned this during training, but nevertheless increasingly entrepreneurial business act as need to (not only responsive). A quality management system is an extremely potent tool. It is feared that many good doctors, who overslept this development (or consciously boycott) to the losers of tomorrow include. Who once has internalized the principles of quality management, will succeed with his company (practice). You are can assert themselves always in a health market, even abroad! Only if the changed conditions adapts itself, in the long run can be.

The Jammer and Boykottierer of today will be the loser of tomorrow. QM hieroglyphics QM-Darling management Latin… Professional quality translation help for doctors & zahnarzte successful translation of quality management theory in everyday practice doesn’t work without management knowledge. Take a chance, otherwise’re wasting time and money. The bad result will be a paper, high Fehlinvestitionn and an demotiviertes practice team. You must not do anything yourself! Benefit from our many years of experience in the medical field. QM in the medicine of the medicine! With us as a partner (translation helper) on your side in a very short time a economical quality management system. Karin letter (certified quality management representative)