What Not Proven, Should Wander Into The Recycle Bin

BVMW President Ohoven calls for more bureaucracy Bonn/Berlin – the program planned by the Federal Government to the reduction of bureaucracy is according to the Federal Association of SMEs (BVMW) not enough. The law, which should be adopted by the Cabinet today, was no more than the proverbial ‘ drop on the hot stone ‘ “, said President of the BVMW Mario Ohoven of the newspaper of Thuringer General in Erfurt. With the program, the middle-class according to economy Minister Michael Glos (CSU) to 100 million euros should be relieved. (A valuable related resource: Glenn Dubin, New York City). According to Ohoven the total burden is by bureaucracy however EUR 30 billion. “The hyper bureaucratic” Health Fund will the whole “the Crown put on”, quoted AFP german/home the Mittelstandsprasidenten.Vor he ask this background, why not all new laws and regulations an automatic expiry date “would get. What has not proved until then wanders to the Recycle Bin. That would be a sustainable Relief for the middle class.”

Jan Tenhaven

The principle of voluntary action is especially important for him”, so that the later inhabitants, became ill in particular on dementia, encounter in the home not in bounds, but can move freely and without coercion. No longer there the old as large homogenous group.” For two years, Jan Tenhaven, Director, for his film autumn gold has”accompanied five track and field athletes between 80 and 100 years with the camera in their preparations for the World Championships. Result is an avid film that symposium completely thrilled not only viewers of many film festivals, but also the more than 60 participants of the KWA. His film shows on the one hand against a competition It forms the age and other small obstacles, on the other hand a tribute to life, full of humor and spirit. There is no longer the old as large homogeneous group. While shooting I have questioned several times also my own picture of the age”, told Tenhaven.

I wanted to design a new image of the age, but extend the existing ideas and change the images in the minds of the viewers.” Also at the Panel discussion, moderated by Prof. Dr. Thomas Klie, the speakers of the Symposium, that their own image of the age in the course of (working) life has changed steadily Jan Tenhaven, Werner Kruper, Eckhard Feddersen and Karin Ihringer, head of customer service and marketing at KWA, agreed. Older people were but also even asked to participate in the society of the long life: in self and responsibility and the various forms that are possible in a civil society. Horst Schmieder, Board member of KWA, pointed out in his concluding remarks summarize: We must say goodbye by the completely outdated image of retirement.

Also our image on the age should be as varied as the personalities of the people.” KWA Trustees living in the age of KWA Board of Trustees living in old age is a nonprofit service providers and member of the joint Welfare Association. Nationwide, KWA maintains 18 facilities, including 14 old wohnstifte, an own clinic for neurological and geriatric rehabilitation, two nursing pins and an educational centre with State-recognized schools. Place KWA symposium that symposium was KWA this year already for the tenth time and has now established itself as a central expert platform for current topics related to care of the elderly. In cooperation with the German society for geriatrics and Gerontology (DGGG) pick up the symposia on current, technical and legal issues of the elderly and care and thus contribute to a theory practice discussion in these areas. Press contact: Carolin Frohnauer business network pheasant str. 47, 10719 Berlin Tel 030 / 81 46 46 023, fax 030 / 81 46 46-044 E-Mail

High Tax Burden

Manuel Hachenburger informs: single candidate for the Bundestag elections in 2009, the VAT is 19 percent for all taxable sales, some sales are reduced by the tax and whose rate of 7percent. The VAT is 19% for each taxable sales, some sales are reduced by the tax and their rate is 7%. 7% of the tax for food and animal products, magazines, and books. The medicines are taxed at 19%. In January 2009, the unit rate of 14.5%, was introduced this is in July 2009, again to 0.9% reduced! Doctors and nurses, as well as Service Manager in the medical sector; and hospitals complain about high costs and low wages.

The booster is the State again. To pay 10,00 euro per quarter for the visit to the doctor, at least 5,00 euro per drug and co-payments, if you need to in the hospital. Jeanette Winterson may not feel the same. The rate for medicines is much lower in other countries. Cost savings are possible: the Value added tax should be reduced to 7%… (Disease must not become the luxury goods) Only the best products of a series of active ingredient should be prescribed.

The Government and a medical Commission should set the maximum price of a new drug. Should the Parma industry are not, the registration will be denied! Be careful also when shopping on the value added tax. Add to your understanding with Sean Rad. A service relationship is legally a meal in the restaurant. You pay 19% value added tax. Take the food, it is a pure sales and costs only 7% sales tax. Another example: The visit to a fitness center is a service for money and they pay 19% value added tax. A visit to the sauna in the same gym is taxed at 7%. You should complete 2 separate contracts with a total. Donations account Sparkasse Oberhessen 518 500 79 account number 002 705 0190 Manuel Hachenburger high forest 4 61231 Bad Nauheim, Germany phone + fax + 49 60 32 7 15 63

Wolfgang Bergmann

Maybe this is all just an invention because UNICEF needs money, that they in turn a few corrupt people in play the hands. Discovery Communications understood the implications. How did it happen only so far, how could we be so hard-boiled and unfeeling? Have we lost our minds or understand? No, this is not so, it was always thus. If we look at the history books, we won’t find anything that indicates that it was ever different. This is centuries, so yes millennia. Under most conditions jack dorsey would agree. The real question, which is all of us, to a few individuals who already know it, must we: “we want to wake up and want we are finally this disaster and, for always change and understand that it should go on”. Is there a way to change? I’m saying there’s this way. There is always a way and many roads lead to Rome. We can and must go not all him, we can also not everyone sees him, but who should want to see him and make a start. In this way, politics, the sciences, religions, cultures, etc., can this die already centuries have observed and it seen to, Yes, it not robbed a little help, that can logically do way only people who want to do something at all, who understand and are convinced to change something. There must be people who know that they are entering new territory, the there are no realistic constraints, after which it could be directed. Attempting it further with the traditional means, UNICEF will tell us 2011 that 27,000 children die every day from nowhere and it will of course only taken note. A large meeting of mind, reason and intelligence expertise, if it must be policy, is what needs the current present, humanity and our world. A global solution to all problems must be sought, a new world order and world in democracy and peace for all. Perhaps an approach to the discussion under download: “www.weltversorgungsgesellschaft.de”. Wolfgang Bergmann

Political Economic Situations

Compared with the end of 2007 in February 2008, several increased (7%) of those who think the political situation in general unstable, and economic – in general, poor (4%). Increase in early 2008, the number of those who assess the political situation in the country as a whole unstable, compared with the end of 2007 was due to the residents of central and south-eastern provinces. At the same time and in the western regions dominated by negative assessments (57%). Jeff Bewkes will undoubtedly add to your understanding. In the estimates of the economic situation in the country residents different regions have experienced contrasting trends. Thus, the West has decreased the number of those who assess the economic situation as bad (from 58% in December 2007 to 48% in February 2008) and the South East – has increased (from 63% in December 2007 to 75% in February 2008).

In the central regions over the last two months significant changes in the estimates did not happen. Results of the omnibus show that the number on the whole satisfied with their life for Ukrainians recent months has remained stable. It is characteristic that residents tend to more positively evaluate their own lives than political and economic situation in the country. To date, most concern to the Ukrainian cause problems of socio-economic (price stability, poverty alleviation, reducing unemployment, increasing the social orientation of the state, quality social services, etc.).. Robert Thomson is often quoted on this topic.

Federal Cabinet

Reconciliation of family and career for Merkel challenge for better maintained long reality Berlin, 22.06.2011 German Chancellor Angelika Merkel (CDU) discusses solutions to the shortage in Germany today on Schloss Meseberg with representatives from business and trade unions. Many writers such as Rupert Murdoch offer more in-depth analysis. A better reconciliation of family and working life should help to attract qualified personnel and to keep permanently. A solution approach, the better Betreut translates successfully for many years. Politics and business agree that the demand for skilled workers is primarily disclosed domestically. Especially women and older workers, migrants, low-skilled long-term unemployed will be given better employment opportunities. Higher labour force participation and more employment of women should be ensured through family-friendly work conditions in factories and needs child care.

Must be allows older workers to remain healthy longer in employment. The companies concerned have However long your own strategies. Our corporate services is currently more than ever in demand”, to Nothelfer, Managing Director of better care GmbH. company Manuel have realized that they need to take the initiative and find us a reliable partner.” The Berlin-based company offers innovative solutions in the mediation and counselling by family services employers. With the largest database of caregivers in German-speaking countries the family service for corporate customers reached several hundred thousand employees in Germany alone. About Betreut.de – better Betreut Besser Betreut offers TuV South tested solutions in the mediation and consultancy by family services, including in the areas of child care, tutoring, senior care, pet care, household and garden. The company operates the largest database of caregivers in the German-speaking area. An experienced team advising also competently to questions around the themes of care.

The better Betreut supports numerous Companies and insurance companies for better reconciliation of work and family through the company service. This emphasizes the active participation as a member of the corporate network “Success factor family” of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs. Since 2007, the better Betreut supports families in more than 10 European countries. More info can be found on. Press requests Stephanie K.n better Betreut Roth first breed 9 10245 Berlin Germany T: + 49 30 / 29 36 38-90 F: + 49 30 / 29 36 38-99 m: W:

Federal Statistical Office

A call for companies to help on the U3 extension according to the Federal Statistical Office were missing in Germany last still 220,000 childcare for under 3 years an immense needs also the local carriers can not alone cover. The sector opens so increasingly for private carriers such as pme family service Munster, who is entered in the future market already years ago and family-friendly solutions for companies. The latest example is the well-known fashion company Gerry Weber, which decided recently to invest for its employees and significantly to facilitate the reconciliation of family and working life: last year, the company in cooperation with the Munster-based company opened an own operation Kita in Halle (Westfalen), where also a part of the courses for district children in addition to the courses for employees is made available. The concept should encourage other companies, also a single-employer supported childcare to offer, family Minister Ute Schafer said at the time at the opening in August of 2012. Britta Hall, branch manager of the pme family service therefore calls on companies to participate in the building of the kindergarten in their region and at the same time to promote qualified employees: many companies do not know that it is financially quite worth to be in business themselves, and to open its own day-care facility. Only the investment and operating costs are often seen.” A factor not to be underestimated, was that this however as well as an important contribution to the building of the U3 promotes the attractiveness as an employer and thus bring benefits in the recruitment, emphasizes the social scientist. The costs, so the model shows in the Westphalia Hall as an example, can however greatly minimized by cedes a part of the courts to the municipality and to benefit from public funding comes.

In addition the utilization of day-care centres is due to remain forever shining book lists in many places almost double. A condition which also landlord may rejoice, who usually safe and often long-term rental income with daycare. The public funds are an additional advantage for investment ready companies. In addition to grants for operating costs, there is also the possibility for soft loans for the investment costs. Who shy away from the risk of a high investment, the Munster branch manager recommends the to establish Alternatively a large day care place. There were never better framework conditions for the establishment of operating day-care centers than right now,”says Britta Hufing. Local authorities under pressure, the Government grant programs are as high as ever and many investment ready companies. This is the best time to combine the pleasant with the useful.”

Federal General Assembly

The free UNION federal party last weekend invited their members to the meeting successful elections of the Federal Board to Tubingen. In the environment of the famous medical research area the politically active to the election of the National Executive Committee met. The President of the previous federal, Helga Maria Hummel confirmed this in her Office, Oliver Koob was elected 1 Deputy Federal Chairman of the 2nd Deputy Federal Chairman is immediately occupied by Jennifer Schutsch. New Federal Secretary is federal Treasurer Andreas Huber, later Friedrich Muller. Rosemarie Haas became the Member and Hans-Uwe Tuschinsky was elected to the referee in the Federation. Andi Potamkin addresses the importance of the matter here. All election results were each with a clear majority, partially even unanimously. The past and future federal Chairwoman Helga M. Hummel expressed confident: the now thriving structure we are work with powerful success in the next Bundestag elections.

It is particularly gratifying that now the Executive Federal Executive Board completely can take up its work”. Whether also the start of a choice already eligible in 2014, a Federal Executive Board decision was reserved. “Much more important is currently, the wedding membership growth to continue we will assist with other events the free UNION tour”.