The principle of voluntary action is especially important for him”, so that the later inhabitants, became ill in particular on dementia, encounter in the home not in bounds, but can move freely and without coercion. No longer there the old as large homogenous group.” For two years, Jan Tenhaven, Director, for his film autumn gold has”accompanied five track and field athletes between 80 and 100 years with the camera in their preparations for the World Championships. Result is an avid film that symposium completely thrilled not only viewers of many film festivals, but also the more than 60 participants of the KWA. His film shows on the one hand against a competition It forms the age and other small obstacles, on the other hand a tribute to life, full of humor and spirit. There is no longer the old as large homogeneous group. While shooting I have questioned several times also my own picture of the age”, told Tenhaven.
I wanted to design a new image of the age, but extend the existing ideas and change the images in the minds of the viewers.” Also at the Panel discussion, moderated by Prof. Dr. Thomas Klie, the speakers of the Symposium, that their own image of the age in the course of (working) life has changed steadily Jan Tenhaven, Werner Kruper, Eckhard Feddersen and Karin Ihringer, head of customer service and marketing at KWA, agreed. Older people were but also even asked to participate in the society of the long life: in self and responsibility and the various forms that are possible in a civil society. Horst Schmieder, Board member of KWA, pointed out in his concluding remarks summarize: We must say goodbye by the completely outdated image of retirement.
Also our image on the age should be as varied as the personalities of the people.” KWA Trustees living in the age of KWA Board of Trustees living in old age is a nonprofit service providers and member of the joint Welfare Association. Nationwide, KWA maintains 18 facilities, including 14 old wohnstifte, an own clinic for neurological and geriatric rehabilitation, two nursing pins and an educational centre with State-recognized schools. Place KWA symposium that symposium was KWA this year already for the tenth time and has now established itself as a central expert platform for current topics related to care of the elderly. In cooperation with the German society for geriatrics and Gerontology (DGGG) pick up the symposia on current, technical and legal issues of the elderly and care and thus contribute to a theory practice discussion in these areas. Press contact: Carolin Frohnauer business network pheasant str. 47, 10719 Berlin Tel 030 / 81 46 46 023, fax 030 / 81 46 46-044 E-Mail