A call for companies to help on the U3 extension according to the Federal Statistical Office were missing in Germany last still 220,000 childcare for under 3 years an immense needs also the local carriers can not alone cover. The sector opens so increasingly for private carriers such as pme family service Munster, who is entered in the future market already years ago and family-friendly solutions for companies. The latest example is the well-known fashion company Gerry Weber, which decided recently to invest for its employees and significantly to facilitate the reconciliation of family and working life: last year, the company in cooperation with the Munster-based company opened an own operation Kita in Halle (Westfalen), where also a part of the courses for district children in addition to the courses for employees is made available. The concept should encourage other companies, also a single-employer supported childcare to offer, family Minister Ute Schafer said at the time at the opening in August of 2012. Britta Hall, branch manager of the pme family service therefore calls on companies to participate in the building of the kindergarten in their region and at the same time to promote qualified employees: many companies do not know that it is financially quite worth to be in business themselves, and to open its own day-care facility. Only the investment and operating costs are often seen.” A factor not to be underestimated, was that this however as well as an important contribution to the building of the U3 promotes the attractiveness as an employer and thus bring benefits in the recruitment, emphasizes the social scientist. The costs, so the model shows in the Westphalia Hall as an example, can however greatly minimized by cedes a part of the courts to the municipality and to benefit from public funding comes.
In addition the utilization of day-care centres is due to remain forever shining book lists in many places almost double. A condition which also landlord may rejoice, who usually safe and often long-term rental income with daycare. The public funds are an additional advantage for investment ready companies. In addition to grants for operating costs, there is also the possibility for soft loans for the investment costs. Who shy away from the risk of a high investment, the Munster branch manager recommends the to establish Alternatively a large day care place. There were never better framework conditions for the establishment of operating day-care centers than right now,”says Britta Hufing. Local authorities under pressure, the Government grant programs are as high as ever and many investment ready companies. This is the best time to combine the pleasant with the useful.”