How to deal with the adolescent who already was pregnant? The girl who is with some boys? The boy who has trejeitos of effeminate, what to make? All these questions quite frequently appear throughout the application of the project, generating discomfort, and externando one badly to be very lived deeply and never worked. In this, it says it to space it is very important and it provides to a construction and a contribution between all. The one idea, helps the work of another one, the experience of one given situation for an educator goes to clarear the individual experience equivalent for many others. Another point to be considered is that the sexuality is a thematic one that generates enormous resistance for the work. All consider its importance, inside recognize the necessity of this work of the institution, but in the hour of the application in the daily one, the difficulties that we are calling resistncias here, appear with much intensity.
This is clearly in the projects elaborated for the educators. In its majority are projects directed toward the work with auto-esteem, the identity and affectivity. They are important projects, but they do not pass of quarrels. A strategy important to win this difficulty is to include the adolescents in the projects since the beginning. They direct the quarrels that interest to them, beyond motivating the project and exercising its rights.
Psicopedagogo through a disgnostic survey the principle with the professors, basement that supports the project. Although the great possibility of information of the world of today, through the media in general, of the school of the family, friends, concludes that these adolescents in general have much little information, and to little information that has it is absorbed or repassed with myths or strong values. As examples: Pill prevents the AIDS? To settle without not engravida penetration? The man has more sexual desire that the woman? Masturbation is harmful for the health? If to use two condoms at the same time is safer? etc, Amongst the questionings presented for the pupils a observed excellent point was difficulty of approach and in the distance of the family in daily pertaining to school.