This article has as objective to define the fisiopatologia of the obsessive-compulsory upheaval, identifying the neuroanatmicas disfunes and as the possible farmacolgicos treatments occur and for refractory cases the psicocirrgia. DEVELOPMENT Is about a carried through bibliographical revision in articles between 2000 and 2011 in the net of Scielo research, in books of neuroanatomia and neuropatologia, in sites and doutorado thesis of. According to Mercadante.
the M. et alli (2004), the etiofisiopatologia of the TOC is based on three aspects: the imunolgicas genetics, hypotheses and the neuroanatmicas disfunes. The genetics that has been emphasized with studies of families, with twin and, more recently in the studies of molecular genetics to identify the possible .causing genes, as well as it would be necessary to form homogeneous groups of study to better investigate the studies of linking and the studies of allica association (GONZALEZ, C.H. 2001). The imunolgicas hypotheses had identified that 10% enter 30% of the children with TOC would also present imunolgicas alterations.
Considering an acronym PANDAS (streptococcal Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with infections) For one better identification of the cases. One of the hypotheses mentions the D8/17 antigen to it, found in the walls of linfocitrias cells B of a 100% of the carriers of Artrite Reumatide auto-immune illness. This antigen also was found in the patients with obsessive-compulsory symptoms (SOC), assuming it possible relation of the presence of auto-antibodies for a possible reply the inflammatory citocinas. From there it appears other questionings, as: susceptibilidade of children with little imunolgica reply, the result of (SOCs) after a estreptocquica infection and the possibility of an auto-imunem cause (MERCADANTE, M.T., 2001). In the neuroanatomia and the neuroimagem, it is understood that fisiopatologia of the TOC is related to the ganglia of the base, structures of deep subcortical localization represented by the estriado one (caudado and putmen), pale globe, black substance and subtalmico nucleus.