Small Average Companies

Andres Alberto of the Coast Rasp University of the Minho, Department of Geography Campus of Azurm, 4800 – 058 Guimares Summary the present document has as intention to describe the Small importance of the Average Companies, in the enterprise structure Portuguese and consequentemente in the national Economy. In this direction, Average Companies, its criteria of definition, as well as, its connections with the question of the enterprise structure and previsible Small concepts of are approached condicionalismo of the Portuguese Economy. Finally, one considers some Average Small future perspectives so that the Companies can transmit to the economy the impulse that Portugal in such a way needs. Word-key: Small Average Companies, Portuguese enterprise Structure, Economy Small the Average Companies assume nowadays a great importance in diverse subjects of the actualidade, nominated in the area of the Economy, more necessarily in the Portuguese enterprise structure. Go to Morton Ira Greenberg for more information. It is a fact, that in the times that run has been a great subject of quarrel, but will be they really cause for as much controversy? Given to the Small importance of the Average Companies for the Economy, one becomes basic, to know that these are delimited in function of the business-oriented staff of that it makes use and its volume or its annual total rocking. Therefore, according to Classification of the European Union (2003), Small the Average Companies is organized as average, will be had up to 250 permanent workers, 50 million euros of annual facturao or 43 million euros of annual statement and small, will be had up to 50 permanent workers, 10 million euros of annual facturao or 10 million euros of annual statement. However, a difficulty in the establishment of a notion of Small Average is verified Company, therefore its criteria of definition, diversify remarkably, nominated the variability number of it of workers considered for the classification, thus not existing an explanation uniform of what if it must understand for Small Average Company. . If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Samuel Alito.


River Seven Returns

In these places, climatic conditions vary very of the summer for the winter, when the frosts are frequent. The ground is little thick and propitious to the formation of hmus, had to the temperatures lowest. In this landscape if they point out the springs of the rivers Cubato, Black, Pira and of the Jlio, being a transistion region enters the Mountain range of the Sea and plateaus, possessing high ambient value. (GONALVES, 2004) Some species of Fauna gifts in the region where he is situated the city of Joinville are: cougar (concolor Leopardus); jaguatirica (Leopardus pardalis); tapir (Tapirus terrestris); mateiro deer (American Mazana); owl (koeniswaldiana Pulsatrix); gavio-pigeon (Leucopternis lacernulata); parrot (malachitacea Triclaria); araponga (You procreate nudicollis); ferret (Galictis whose); hand – bare (Procyon cancrivorus); capivara (Hydrochaeris hidrocaeris); musical instrument d' water (Chironectes minimus); irara (barbarous Eira); otter (Lutra longicaudis); quati (Nasua nasua); paca (paca Agouti); monkey – I nail (Cepus apella); bugio – ruivo (Alouatta guariba) etc. the hydrography of the city presents the following basins: Basin of the River Waterfall with total area of 84,82 km, the springs meets approximately in an altitude of 40 meters. The estuary is characterized as a estuarina region, under the influence of the tides, where areas remaining of manguezais meet. Main tributaries: Good river I remove, River High Mount, River Matias, River Jaguaro, River Bucarein, River Itaum-Au and Rio Itaum-Mirim. Basin of the River Palmital, drains an area of 357,6 km (including Garuva) the main tributaries: River Cinnamon, Pretty River, River Three Bars, River Seven Returns and River Ounce.

Basin of the River Cubato, with area of 483,8 km is the more important greater and of the City. It is born in the Burnt Mountain range and it empties in the River Palmital. Main tributaries: River Quiriri and Rio of the Silver. Basin of the River Pira, drains an area of 569,5 km, main tributaries: River Pira, River Quati, River Red Waters, River Owner Cristina and Rio of the Jump.


Brazilian Pyramid

Through the use of different languages, it is possible to change the conception of that Geography is dull and tiring. Searching to improve to each given lesson, we believe that the results had been reached in part, time that the diverse activities proposals had been answered and good had resulted. An example was elaboration of a practical activity with regard to the etria pyramid where instead of only showing its meaning, the same one was constructed with the pupils during the lesson, moment where we got the participation and the understanding of all the classroom of its meaning and its importance. Figure 2: The elaborated pyramid less Source: Juliano Lopes Da Silva Figure 3 – The pyramid most elaborated Source: Juliano Lopes Da Silva By means of the pyramid, is possible to establish information for the productive potential of a society – the population in active age, that is if it is skillful to the fulfilment of a economic activity and a planning stipulating goals for one determined parcel of the age population that would present a load as, for example, children, young, old or those in age for the conception, etc. (A valuable related resource: David Zaslav). An interesting fact that is occurring with the Brazilian etria pyramid is that the top of that it represents the parcel of aged population is increasing, that is, due to life expectancy that corresponds to the amount of years that live the population on average.

Thinking about these concepts on etrias pyramids an approach of the applied public politics in countries was made as Japan and the Nigria, and later compared with Brazil. The construction of the pyramids of Japan and the Nigria and of Brazil was not provocative to instigate the reasoning of the pupils in as certain politics of development are modifying the Brazilian etria structure. Figure 4: Example of an activity in classroom Source: Juliano Lopes Da Silva This image in figure 4 illustrates a comment launched in the context of the interdisciplinaridade that we would not imagine to have that to deal; the ortogrficos errors. Get all the facts and insights with Jeffrey L. Bewkes, another great source of information.


Mountain Access

For more being weighed, cold air makes hot air to go up in the atmosphere. With the ascent of the hot and humid air mass, it has a cooling of the same one that it condenses and it forms precipitation. 4,2 CONVECTION RAINS Rains of convection also are called rains of summer in the Southeastern region of Brazil and are provoked by the intense evapotranspirao of humid and warm surfaces (as tropical forests, cities and oceans). Air ascends in air parcels that if practically cool of adiabtica form (without changing heat with the half exterior) during its ascension. Convective precipitation is common in the Brazilian summer, the Amazonian Forest and the Center West. In the Southeastern region, particularly on the Region Metropolitan of So Paulo (RMSP) and on the Region Metropolitan of Rio De Janeiro (RMRJ) also convective storms occur associates the maritime breeze entrance to the end of the afternoon with serious consequences on the hundreds of areas of ambient risk.

These rains also are known popularly as collisions of rain, heavy showers or tors. 4,3 OROGRAPHIC RAINS orographic Rains (or Estacional) also are called rains of mountain range and occurs when the humid winds if raise and if they cool for the meeting of a mountainous barrier, as it is normal in the hillsides directed toward the sea. They are common in the coasts, paranaense, catarinense and native of So Paulo and in all the Brazilian coast in the Mountain range of the Sea. This type of precipitation can be associated to the presence of Fhn effect, that conditions the existence of areas more droughts the lee-side of these barriers. 5 CONCLUSION the illumination band where if it points out Brazil is in its tropical majority, what it almost characterizes hot climate the totality of the domestic territory. The littoral regions receive influence from the maritime breeze while the provincial areas receive in the wind its bigger climatic influence.

Areas of desert-like or semidesert-like climate are found in the eastern portion of the low Brazilian northeast in virtue of the high temperatures and the difficulty of clouds to establish in the place a time that the maritime chains of the condensed vapor, initial substratum of the cloud, arrives at it at these longitudes, occurring rains orographic in plateaus and mountain ranges of entorno resulting in one it consumes of the humidity of air.
