River Seven Returns

In these places, climatic conditions vary very of the summer for the winter, when the frosts are frequent. The ground is little thick and propitious to the formation of hmus, had to the temperatures lowest. In this landscape if they point out the springs of the rivers Cubato, Black, Pira and of the Jlio, being a transistion region enters the Mountain range of the Sea and plateaus, possessing high ambient value. (GONALVES, 2004) Some species of Fauna gifts in the region where he is situated the city of Joinville are: cougar (concolor Leopardus); jaguatirica (Leopardus pardalis); tapir (Tapirus terrestris); mateiro deer (American Mazana); owl (koeniswaldiana Pulsatrix); gavio-pigeon (Leucopternis lacernulata); parrot (malachitacea Triclaria); araponga (You procreate nudicollis); ferret (Galictis whose); hand – bare (Procyon cancrivorus); capivara (Hydrochaeris hidrocaeris); musical instrument d' water (Chironectes minimus); irara (barbarous Eira); otter (Lutra longicaudis); quati (Nasua nasua); paca (paca Agouti); monkey – I nail (Cepus apella); bugio – ruivo (Alouatta guariba) etc. the hydrography of the city presents the following basins: Basin of the River Waterfall with total area of 84,82 km, the springs meets approximately in an altitude of 40 meters. The estuary is characterized as a estuarina region, under the influence of the tides, where areas remaining of manguezais meet. Main tributaries: Good river I remove, River High Mount, River Matias, River Jaguaro, River Bucarein, River Itaum-Au and Rio Itaum-Mirim. Basin of the River Palmital, drains an area of 357,6 km (including Garuva) the main tributaries: River Cinnamon, Pretty River, River Three Bars, River Seven Returns and River Ounce.

Basin of the River Cubato, with area of 483,8 km is the more important greater and of the City. It is born in the Burnt Mountain range and it empties in the River Palmital. Main tributaries: River Quiriri and Rio of the Silver. Basin of the River Pira, drains an area of 569,5 km, main tributaries: River Pira, River Quati, River Red Waters, River Owner Cristina and Rio of the Jump.
