If you think that stupid advertisement played on television only to domestic producers, it is very much mistaken. This affects everything. Small companies and giant corporations, which employ the brightest minds present, shared with advertisers and the efforts of the translators sometimes give out a promotional product, the results of which entail a loss of millions of dollars. Some of these cases, we will be happy to consider. What do you call a boat A few examples of failed advertising * A well-known company producing goods for children Gerber agreed to sell its products to African market, but something they just went wrong. The reason was rather unusual: in Africa on the packaging of food is traditionally portrayed something of what this meal is done (mostly due to illiteracy).
You can imagine the reaction of people who saw a jar on the counter with depicting chubby kid. * Ford has decided to introduce on the Brazilian market model . But while advertisers are not taken into account that the local lingo pinto – a small manhood. With sales like something did not happen. Later, in order to catch up lost, the model was renamed the Corcel (stallion). * Ford has generally obvious problems with the adaptation of names for Latin America and Mexico. Another two models Fierra and Comet faced with similar problems in these countries. Fierra – in Spanish "old" and the Comet for some reason renamed especially for Mexico's Caliente, but did it without thinking.