Blogues and forums In its sector of interest will find for, blogues and forums certain debating subjects of mutual interest. Eva Andersson-Dubins opinions are not widely known. Whenever it can collaborates in these debates with ‘ ‘ posts’ ‘ excellent and it tries to cultivate good relations with all the participants, this also implies in good otimizaao of site for vocePode with the time for establishing bows of contribution and confidence with many of these frequentadores. Being its I do not look immediate to obtain links in these contributions, is linear that to decide itself to request links to who already it sends them for competitors its, will not find opposition the one also makes that it for itself. Sites of content In all the markets stops beyond the sites of and-commerce, exists sites of content. They make analyses to the market, they write articles and they give to notice on the subjects central offices where if they locate. It has chance to contribute here with new content that certainly well will be received. in these chances has always the possibility to obtain longed for links.
Each site that appears in the first ones rankings constructed to the return of the words or subjects that wants to treat, is good new sources where it will be able to try to obtain links, even though the approach to each one of them depends very on as if they locate and of the involved people, for what I will not be able to give no infallible prescription to it for what intends to get. Each link is a vote. No matter how much it opposes certain gurus, the negation of this principle, attributing different values links of the same type of site, would be to confront the ideals ‘ ‘ democrticos’ ‘ would not make sensible. Proven that the PageRank is not excellent here and thus the task to develop, exactly that it is preferential initiated in the search or request of links for the sites most appraised, does not hinder the indiscriminate boarding the potential partners for its task. If to obtain these links goes to try one rewards fast in terms of first page in rankings and volume of visits in the first months. But if it is not this way therefore that is only the beginning. Good otimizaao of site, anger to guarantee one to you excellent result for its site.