Mariana Village

A much peace climate of and harmony lived in, however badly wise person who that peace was you give to finish. Rodrigo if delivered to anguish deep, and had to this sadness, certain day passed badly and had that to be led to pressas for a hospital and, after disgnostic made by the Dr. Noronha, then its friend, disclosed to it that he was also with a problem in the heart. The youngster, who already did not see sensible more in its life, wise person that went to perhaps die and was this same wanted, therefore of it already he did not wait more nothing. After a colloquy with the Dr. Noronha, signed a responsibility term authorizeing the accomplishment of a heart transplant, a time that seemed to be this the only form to save its life one more time and ' ' things of corao' ' they intervened with the life of that young youngster.

The press notified the new attempt of the Dr. Alfredo and the people were calling it assassin. Nobody believed that in full beginning of century XX a so bold exploit could get good results. However, the negative propagation that ran of mouth in mouth and for the press did not discourage that audacious doctor, determined and prontificado in innovating the field of the medicine of the time. Certain day, Marcelo, the husband of Smia, it left morning of its house in the quarter of the Mariana Village, was said farewell to the loved one and it was for the work. Smia also followed for the So Paulo confectionery badly knowing that it was the last time that was if seeing, when suddenly, when going down of the tram, Marcelo was boarded for a young that wanted to assault it, was terrified and fallen on the tracks where it was run over. The body was taken to the hospital still with life, but had to a very strong collision in the head, it came to falecer.
