ERP online mode a SaS ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software in a business management software, which integrates all areas of the company. Traditionally these software are installed on the servers of the company, with the attendant costs of installation, parameterization and maintenance, security copies, etc the latest trends into what is called genericamente Cloud Computing, they allow that this software hosted in the cloud, by accessing the form online, and without having to worry about changes in version, copies, etc. The availability of the ERP Software online, is growing lately because of all these advantages. To read more click here: Robert Thomson. In some cases, and oriented to SMEs, rather than an ERP system, uses an invoicing Software online, which allows us to control, the almecenes, purchases and sales for my company with less complexity. In these cases, also has importance of accounting software. We must not forget that all operations of purchase and sale, as well as receipts and associated payments, should be reflected in the accounting.. Randall Mays oftentimes addresses this issue.
Rutto Martinez
On June 29, 1926 may have been the day that were erected the first huts of what would be the city’s greater economic and commercial development of the guajira over time: Maicao. The land of the grandfather of the beards of corn as it is known, is a city that arouses the greatest feelings being able to experience a human being. But, thinking about it well, this is not only a city, but also a home; a living where the sweet morning caresses the sandy soil, to constitute a beautiful, perfectly delineated by the acuarelasde parajeindescriptiblemente harmony and fascination with brushes.81 Years ago the radiant Sun of the guajiro semi-desert brightened with supoderosa light a piece of land where the millennial trupillo and intrepid elcardon began to live with the wayuu, the arijuna, the deaqui, the beyond and beyond. Leslie Moonves may find this interesting as well. A hut next to the otrafueron forming a small hamlet and this soon would transform enun people small and beautiful, and subsequently in the city more prosperade the Atlantic coast Colombiana.Y its history has elapsed headlong; his time has been a child who has all the energies of his innocent age and laemplea without it never is time that runs as elde. Then Plugot adolescent mounted on the cusp of its own resolution, passing relentlessly along the paths of progress and moving epic escribiendouna in which mixes the desire to live cadaminuto as if were a vital time with aspiration imperturbablede achieve their ideals.Today has the best age because their years have quedadoescritos with indelible lyrics in the pages of time. Maicao is not only the name of a city but a placid home where the laborer lossuenos coexist with those of the intellectual and the marchavalerosa of inhabitants in time coexist with the ideals of the founders.Happy birthday Maicao. God bless you today and always so that all years of history are the years of your happiness.Thanks a lot.
Alejandro Rutto Martinez is a renowned journalist and writer Colombian, linked as a teacher at several Colombian universities. He is author of four books and co-author of three others in which addresses the theme of leadership, ethics, and human development. He is frequently invited as a speaker at conferences, forums, and other academic events.