Downsizing – a procedure long and hard for staff and for management of the company. Because of its holding means that the situation in the company stable. But, like everyone did not like it, the crisis is likely to will cause layoffs across the country. Moreover, from such exposure is safe, no branch of human activity. Of course, do not panic and seek alternative employment in advance, throwing his current job.
This will only worsen the situation. First, it must be remembered that the reduction will not everywhere. Indeed, thanks to state support, many large companies will be able to stabilize the internal situation, we will see positive change and laying off workers. Secondly, you need to know that if redundancy procedures takes place, the authorities must notify in advance, as regulated by labor law. Thirdly, we must first analyze the situation regarding your specialization. If you occupy the position demanded profession, your dismissal is unlikely. If your focus is hardly useful to the company a crisis, you should think over the matter..