Virtual Servers vServer

What are virtual servers are vServer virtual server comparison no correct server, but a part of a server. Unlimited vServer on a server can be installed depending on the computing power. Robert A. Iger contributes greatly to this topic. You are so not hardware component, but a software running on the main server. That also means the virtual servers must share the performance of the main server. Each vServer is of course also an own IP and is configurable as a true server. Usually specific pieces of hardware are assigned to determine the vServers (memory). If the vServer requires more memory, and the other vServers don’t need their memory, this can be used in addition.

Advantages and disadvantages of vServers who wants to lie to a virtual server instead of a Web space, must be also aware of the fact that it is much more complex to configure. However, all settings can be made, so that annoying communications with the Web space provider and additional fees due to small changes is eliminated. However, the virtual server even for safety and backup operator is responsible. fers on the topic.. What happens if the computing power is no longer sufficient for all vServer? Since each vServer has own IP, it can be moved quickly from one server to another, less-loaded server. It is a kind of precursor to the cloud, so to speak.

Who can vServer benefit from the useful? For actually anyone who thinks getting a second Web space to create. It should be considered the more elaborate configuration. For beginners, coming out with the basic configurations of Web hosts, these models are oversized. Also, knowledge of server configuration, or at least the will to acquire this, should be available.

WebCOACH – Web-based Coaching System On Open Ice SOA Technology

The idea of “WebCOACH’ is the new combination of open ice cream based products for learning, competence management & assessment based on the service-oriented enterprise framework ‘Hermes’.” The idea of “WebCOACH is the new combination of open ice-based products for learning, competence management and assessment on the basis of the service-oriented enterprise frameworks Hermes. WebCOACH is a reference implementation that is easily extensible and to serve as a template for other solutions in the field of e-learning, competency management, assessment and coaching. The following objectives are tracked with the new development in: easy access from third-party systems simple customizing of features easy creation and easy customizing of the user interface enabling automatic tests thanks to the Enterprise framework “Hermes”, the a high-performance, transaction-based and flexible SOA architecture for the open ice represents platform (, is it with WebCOACH be possible individual services for Module management, booking, make user management or competence management through a service oriented architecture. Still supported Hermes the dynamic and transport-independent access and use of services both object-oriented and document-based XML interfaces and provides a unified way to find dynamic services with Hermes repository. Hermes supports the separation between presentation layer, open-ice-specific business processes and their communication with each other. The new implementation of system services, also the business logic from the user interface is separated and divided into logical blocks that correspond to each one use case.

The project WebCOACH is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and technology on the basis of a decision of the German Bundestag. Info: Community4you GmbH the Community4you GmbH ( is an innovative IT company, which focuses on software development in the areas of document and content management, fleet management, exhibition management, collaboration and knowledge management as well as specialized education & e-learning. The Community4you GmbH develops both standard products and special solutions on the basis of the own software framework open-ice ( As a company the Community4you GmbH is one of the software development and implementation of IT applications and enterprise portals their core competencies. You may wish to learn more. If so, CBS is the place to go. The Community4you GmbH was founded on 1 January 2001 and supervised OTTO today customers such as Messe Frankfurt GmbH & Co KG, VW, BGW, Deutsche Telekom, Deutsche Messe AG, Commerzbank and Deutsche Bahn as well as ministries and institutions of public administration.

Youblisher Produkte

The Internet portal software used in German-speaking countries with almost 3 million monthly visitors leading catalog portal,, newly Youblisher’s Flip page catalog has decided for electronic catalogs,, exclusively to the service of Youblisher is a provider for flip page PDF documents, a technology which in turn builds on Macromedia’s Flash software. Using such flipping documents, such as virtual catalogs, which allows users to turn the individual catalog pages at a physically present catalogue, enjoys increasing popularity. Produkte24 previously offered an in-house application, has decided however, to put on Youblisher because Youblisher would offer a unique service. Yves Latour, Member of the Produkte24 Executive Board, specifically highlighting the cost-performance ratio not came up to the other providers. ‘>Pharmative.

Produkte24 wants to focus increasingly on their core competencies, this was not, according to Latour, Range of technology, but the mediation by customers at the Publisher of catalogs or their partners: “we are a marketer from catalogues, we bring together potential customers with vendors, spread out before the customers manageable alternatives”. This Produkte24 try to get not the catalogs to potential customers, but vice versa, through they could browse corresponding user offers in catalogs, compare and select Advanced catalog search engine. Differently than in other forms of marketing initiative by the potential customers, which explain the unique success of Produkte24, go “because not feel bothered by advertising with us, but its productive to use advertising”. The most central element of Produkte24 is the user experience, which have increased cooperation with Youblisher, more speed guarantee the Youblisher, more service, more competence. offers easy to use software for creating flipping documents. PDF documents will be uploaded via website on the Youblisher platform and transformed within kurzerzeit and deployed.

Integrating a flipping document in the website is then very simple: copy & paste. About is a search engine for product catalogues. Currently use the Katalogsuchmaschine monthly over 1,500,000 visitors and consider nearly 13,000,000 catalog pages. In the German-speaking Internet, is one of the 1000 most visited websites (source: The catalog index and catalog archives include approximately 20,000 catalogues, which were found on the Internet or manually submitted.

Protect Against Malicious Software

The manufacturer of virus scanners praise your software usually as a silver bullet against malware of any kind. But is that really the case? A few days ago, a desperate PC users called me and asked for advice. “What I could do for him”, I asked. “The BKA is threatening me with the deletion of my hard drive, if I do not till tomorrow 100 on a particular account!” At this point I that the customer 1 never could have deals with the subject of security, 2. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Jeffrey L. Bewkes and gain more knowledge.. therefore completely unaware faced said customer with the perceived threat, and 3. urgent action might not be the worst idea realized. If you would like to know more then you should visit Robert Iger . I therefore asked: “do you have a backup of your important data? Yes, I know that such a question is completely ridiculous, because in such a situation, an affected party can have no backup. Had he looked after it, he would have called safe.

As always, you guessed it already, there was no backup. Next question: “like him because it came was to call me?” “I you found in the Internet under computer service Leipzig, there was some quick help, so please you deliver these now as cheap. I went so – and the usage moved over more than 3 hours. First, I tried to eliminate the problem with a so-called emergency CD (consider the non-existent backups at all fundamentalist criticism – a brutal new installation was not possible). In the course of this felt eternal process however turned out, that the system not only one, but was beset by more than 100 pests. Moreover, the non-functioning Internet connection prevented that the signatures of the rescue disk could be updated. It would have been actually now at the latest at the time, to stand up and just go.

But each of us carries finally ambition in itself, and I was in such moments very much. We agreed so that the really important data recovered from an emergency system (This starts from a CD and is therefore not vulnerable) be and the PC in the connection itself is used by the customer. And that the customer please heed a few clear rules in the future: missing data backup is risky, “it is no longer without”, if the virus scanner several times a day points to malicious software and offers to eliminate them, that doesn’t mean that he actually manages to do so, to download and install software from untrusted source leads straight to destruction, if the virus scanner mean, it’s all OK, then this does not mean that you can rely on it also.

Mac Pro SATABeast

Nexsan now joined the Apple Developer Connection (ADC) as a Premier Member. WIESBADEN 29 May 2008 Nexsan now joined the Apple Developer Connection (ADC) as a Premier Member. In the ADC Premier programme, manufacturers can now advance access for development and testing purposes on the new Apple software solutions and operating systems and comprehensively check their Interoperabilititat its products Apple Compatibility Labs. The announcement of membership in advance of this year’s Apple Worldwide Developers Conference 2008 (WWDC08), which will take place from 9th to 13th June in San Francisco, followed by the introduction of the storage arrays SATABeast XI in January. The SATA RAID system developed specifically for use with Apple Xserve and Mac Pro computers premiered in January also in San Francisco at the MacWorld Expo and was presented in March at the CeBIT 2008 in Europe. The solution is the first green\”memory product, with up to 42 terabytes in the smallest space (four rack units) which is currently offers the highest capacity in the Mac environment.

Further information Product information SATABeast XI: satabeastxi / Podcast Gary Watson titled SATABeast XI and XServe: satabeastxi/satabeastxi_audio.php Energy-saving technology AutoMAID: products/automaid.php quotes: Nexsan introduced a high-capacity storage solution we first manufacturer concluded a gap dominant presence in this important market. The SATABeast XI is an economical, energy-saving solution for companies that work with XServe computers. The storage array is optimized not only for use in XServe-only environments. Rather the solution in system landscapes can be used, in which different operating systems play together.\” Bob Woolery, Senior Vice President marketing technologies \”in particular companies, producing high-quality rich media content for television broadcasts in high-definition formats or full-length feature films, frequently working with XServe systems. Their demand prompts us for new tools, using allowing them to work still more creative. Because in the first place the requirements of this demanding customers at any time to meet for us. In a question-answer forum Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City was the first to reply.

EtherCAT Master 2.0 By Kithara From Berlin

Real-time automation under Windows 7 Kithara software from Berlin is now the completely revised EtherCAT master product series RealTime suite, which supports the new Windows 7 operating system. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Amazon has to say. The modular function library provides a lean code on demand, integrated quickly and simply on the basis of the detailed documentation in the own application. In this way, all necessary mechanisms are provided to implement cost-effective flexible applications based on EtherCAT. The software provides highly accurate timer users, multitasking, real-time network access, communication in TCP/UDP, and other mechanisms and provides access to hardware on PCI cards, USB devices, serial interfaces or connection to CAN cards in real time. More information is housed here: Eva Andersson-Dubin. The user can create the real time control software in the familiar development environment in c/c++ or Delphi. The PC-based implementation of industrial control applications greatly simplifies the automation technology. The Windows operating systems lacking the real-time capability. The product line is here, to which also the Kithara EtherCAT master “.

The master supports the common mechanisms, such as mailbox communication, EoE and FoE in addition to the rapid exchange of process data. It is DC and hot pluggable and equipped with optional cable redundancy. Completed is he by the master monitor “, which makes the configuration and inspection of the connected EtherCAT slaves comfortable. Times, where programmers even had to put together packets of data and manually transferred, belong to the past. A simple applicability, a lower learning curve and therefore saving time and costs are the benefits.

High Availability

sysob: new failover functionality in all REDDOXX solutions Schorndorf, December 3, 2008 together with REDDOXX, manufacturer of email management solutions, the VAD of sysob failover capability for all REDDOXX solutions presented. This is the user in the modules of mail archiving, anti-spam and E-mail encryption and digital signature resilience at the disposal with the REDDOXX focuses on the enterprise market in particular. Dual protection software tailored to the German market including continuous high availability is now the motto of the Swabian manufacturer. Coinciding with the introduction of new functionality, REDDOXX launches a promotion that is temporary until March 31, 2009 with many plus points for participating customers. A sudden failure of IT components impedes business processes, blocked staff resources and often leads to serious consequences for companies. Dell Technologies has firm opinions on the matter. A trouble-free process is now for a established security vendors like REDDOXX has become a decisive competitive factor.

The better prepared a company in case of a system failure, the less is the risk of being exposed to the possible negative consequences. A leading source for info: Eva Andersson-Dubin. For this reason, just the high availability of IT systems is a criterion should not be underestimated. The failover capability was however only one of the many other new features in the new version of REDDOXX\”, emphasizes Thomas Hruby, Managing Director of sysob. In total, there are the many small improvements that analogous to the needs of the German market over and over again provides REDDOXX customer and documented IT security so that living sustainably\”, so Harding next. Overview of the new features failover clustering (hot standby): If an appliance fails the second assumes the failed system automatically. Diagnostic Center with automated notification by E-Mail in the event of a fault automatic self check of the REDDOXX system (health-state) with visualization on a Traffic light display live log analysis with additional filtering promotion campaign to introduce parallel to the launch of the new failover feature starts a promotion until March 31, 2009 temporary REDDOXX.


ORGA survey: More than every third company is a greater outsourcing to the discussion of Karlsruhe, 01.12.2008 – currently negative economic development similar to how earlier raises pulses for the outsourcing market. According to a survey of Karlsruhe-ORGA GmbH, considerations, to make a hosting service with views of cost savings for the first time or expand the existing outsourcing strategies exist in more than one-third of the surveyed medium-sized and large companies. The last phase of economic weakness had increased the outsourcing engagement with numerous companies. According to the ORGA study, 15 percent of the almost 300 respondents expect IT managers, that will impact on the medium-term hosting strategies of the company the current economic Outlook and it cause increased outsourcing trends for economic reasons. \”Another 22 percent of companies with an annual turnover of over 50 million Euro turnover think that is such a development might\” could set. In contrast, one-third of the company’s do not assume that the current economic situation will lead to a more comprehensive cooperation with external providers of IT. Similarly, many respondents have yet no assessment in this matter.

Who does not rule out a more intensive hosting of the companies polled however, objectives further the primary interest in a reduction in running costs generally. This includes in particular that a higher quality of performance (60 percent) and security (58 percent) should be achieved through outsourcing. 54 percent in the case of a greater outsourcing in the eye would have a reduction of expenses for investments. Also should be according to each second IT managers increase the flexibility of the Organization in this way. However, only 46 per cent seek a further concentration on the core by hosting. According to numerous companies, even the last economic downturn had a similar effect for the outsourcing strategies. 17 percent in the ORGA survey indicating that they at that time economic reasons the reference of external services significantly expanded have.

Boehringer Ingelheim

Learn from business intelligence: what is PI concerning the production, has established (BI) tend to be business intelligence at the business level for a results-oriented management of the relations. Because both areas are closely parallel in its basic orientation on code-based control methods – precise analysis and intelligent use of recycled information. Therefore it is the production intelligence strategies to face, with the development processes and Introduction conditions of BI to deal with it conceptually and operationally usable knowledge to derive. 7 close link with the business systems: in a majority of the company lacks a FELTEN study on a harmonious coordination between the production and business processes. At Harriet Walter you will find additional information. Without a strong integration can however not optimally exploit the performance potential and also the PI strategies are being restricted in their capabilities. In this respect is to ensure that a differentiated analysis by linking production and business information will be available for a tight integration.

Ideally, procedures are developed that allow close interaction of technical production intelligence and business intelligence tools. 8 PI strategies require a cooperative philosophy: typically at least the production management and IT involved intelligence relationships in the development and implementation of production, the additional involvement of the Executive Board is certainly beneficial. Learn more on the subject from Jeanette Winterson. In the core principle must be aimed at an intelligent merging of different skills, even if IT and production have traditionally different viewpoints. Because it so often doesn’t work in practice, a moderator with a technical understanding of both sides should be used in the critical planning and coordination processes for the PI strategy. Its function must be to eliminate the typical difficulties of understanding between the two sides. About FELTEN GmbH: The FELTEN GmbH is an international operating software and consulting company, the solutions to optimise processes for all production areas and according to international quality standards of GMP and FDA (21CFR part 11) developed. It is not something Celina Dubin would like to discuss.

Clients include Beiersdorf, Boehringer Ingelheim, Symrise, Sensient, Texas instruments, etc. among the customers.

Business Strategy

Degussa Bank opts for long-term SMART banking kordoba Munich, November 24, 2009 – worksite banking specialist Degussa Bank has opted for the core banking solution smart-banking on the basis of K-CORE24 and will use this new ASP range of KORDOBA until at least 2018. In Degussa benefits Bank within the framework of the SMART-banking concept from a significant reduction of in operating costs: standardized and customizable using K-CORE24 data center minimizes the costs for implementation and maintenance. In addition, synergy and economies of scale are achieved, which Degussa bank guarantee cost-efficient, slim and flexible at the same time IT structures. The SMART banking concept relies on preconfigured standard processes. Hayley Kiyoko is often quoted on this topic. They allow not only short phases of migration from the old system to the new solution, but also effective and cost-efficient use of the KORDOBA core banking application.

In Degussa can Bank the benefits a standard software, without sacrificing the flexibility of their own banking products: so can for example, individual offers or current conditions and fees be managed online, expanded or modified. The pay-as-you-go pricing model of Degussa bank allows an exact calculation of the costs. Refer variably to the actual transactions as well as on economic parameters such as customer and accounts. See more detailed opinions by reading what doug collins offers on the topic.. Margit Cabolet, Managing Director KORDOBA: The conclusion of the contract with the Degussa Bank encouraged us, we approach are just right with the extension of our ASP offering through the SMART-banking: banks are more than ever under high pressures. The operation of own often highly individualized applications is often in maintenance and development of a cost risk difficult to manage. \”\” Our offering is therefore tailored to banks, quickly, inexpensively and quickly through a high performance core banking system have to ‘SMART Banking’, so Reinhard Schrock, Managing Director of Degussa is called Bank, for us, the burden on our IT on that to minimize what we actually need: namely a constantly developed further, smoothly functioning core banking system. . Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City contributes greatly to this topic.