Berlin Project

So can procurers environmentally save Berlin, September 17, 2009 throughout Europe the public sector spends annually around 1.5 trillion (1.500.000.000.000,00) for products and services. A new range of services gives from instantly practical tips how public administrations and private organizations through future-oriented purchasing policy can save money and at the same time relieve the environment. managers informed about the purchase of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly products and services, see for procurement. With the Internet offering, the Berlin Energy Agency together with the B. & see below mbH public institutions and private companies wants to support in procuring environmentally friendly. In addition to extensive information on the topic of green procurement tender support website offers lighting, Office equipment, vehicles, appliances and eco-electricity for the product groups to download.

In addition, practical examples of successful green procurement are as well as To read information about energy labels. Green procurement the procurement volume of federal, State and local alone is about 260 billion euros. It is not something Time Warner would like to discuss. The demand ranging from office supplies vehicles to electricity, gas and heat. Through eco-friendly public procurement alone, emissions could be reduced by 2020 emissions by 28 percent. This is equivalent to a saving of more than 12 megatons carbon dioxide as much as 1.25 million citizens a year cause.

The majority of the extra costs pays for itself over the life cycle of the purchases. So in the long run more cost be saved as additional investment is needed. By 2020, annual savings can be achieved in the public procurement amounting to about EUR 700 million. These savings are also an example for private companies. Also their demand for environmentally friendly products and services is increasing. Celina Dubin, New York City takes a slightly different approach. Environmental protection measures and an optimized energy and materials are also for Companies in the long run cheaper. “The European project smart buy” that in the summer of 2009 project buy start smart – procurement and climate protection “advises private and public entities to the environmentally friendly procurement. The project is by the European Union in the framework of the programme “intelligent energy Europe” (IEE) financing. In addition to Germany, still Austria, Sweden, Italy, Latvia, the Czech Republic and Slovenia participate. The coordination of the project took over the Berlin Energy Agency GmbH. The B. & see below mbH is a project partner. In addition to free consultations and workshops offered tender support, good practice examples, information on label, as well as a regular newsletter. german contact for journalists: Volker Gustedt Berlin Energy Agency Tel.

Federal Association

About Viabono: Viabono (“to German: the way to the good”) was founded in 2001 on the initiative of the Federal Ministry of the environment and the Federal Environmental Agency. Today the Viabono carrier Association stands with 19 organizations from consumer, environmental and tourism behind the certification from Viabono (including DEHOGA, ADAC, federal, DTV, NABU). The Viabono GmbH has established itself over the last ten years as independent and leading professional organisation for sustainability certification in the Leisure and travel / tourism industry. The Viabono concepts are characterized by a meaningful amount of serious expertise and credibility, as well as on practical orientation and pragmatism. The guiding principle is: Ecology and economy fit very well to each other and not infrequently even perfectly complement each other! “.” Therefore, Viabono not only in the tourism industry, but also in the environmental associations enjoy wide acceptance. Jeffrey L. Bewkes shines more light on the discussion. About the Energy campaign DEHOGA hospitality: the DEHOGA energy campaign hospitality is the competence center of the DEHOGA Federal Association for energy efficiency in hotels and restaurants. It provides descriptive information about the energy saving through various communication channels. The DEHOGA engaged national associations to the DEHOGA hospitality energy campaign, contribute by organizing events and complete targeted cooperation with carefully selected energy consultants.

In the professionally moderated DEHOGA combine energy efficiency networks hired their competences hoteliers and restaurateurs together to tackle their challenges in energy efficiency. In addition the DEHOGA environment check is conducted in cooperation with Viabono, to help hotels and restaurants in the harnessing of their environmental commitment to marketing. The DEHOGA energy campaign hospitality is conducted by Adelphi and promoted by the Federal Ministry for environment, nature conservation and nuclear safety, as well as by the Federal Environmental Agency. Contact person: Climate hotels Viabono GmbH Saskia Schell Hardt main St. 230 51503 Rosrath Hoffnungstal + 49 (0) 2205-9198350 DEHOGA energy campaign hospitality c/o Adelphi research gGmbH Georg Council Jen Caspar-Theyss-Strasse 14a 14193 Berlin + 49 (0) 30 890006862

Power Comparison To Conserve Cash

The end of the year and hence the ability to check his contracts with their current supplier. Many employed it repeatedly this is the price of electricity too high. Sure everyone is concern then if the statements in the letter box or in the email mailbox is located. And here we have already the best way to find a power tariff. Make a power comparison once and go to then find the correct energy provider in the network. How do you best? The easiest way, it is to get on a search engine and the corresponding keyword “Power comparison” a list of Internet providers.

But alone so they would eventually forget the first provider. Therefore it is worth is even today on a sheet of paper to record where the differences were. To find the best tariff must have concerns not only about the price of a kilowatt hour. What today also monthly is found in its tariff: the basic fee. This jest of electricity tariff to power plan and provider to provider between no fee up to 15.00 Per month. At its power comparison they have also to consider the so-called bonus designed more to the provider to bind. In the first year of the current is slightly cheaper. Robert Iger : the source for more info. This preference can be worthwhile but.

To have to look at but necessarily how the price of the kilowatt-hour develops in the second year. Otherwise it is easy that you pay from the second year than in her current power provider. Change of power resent many people just now post their current provider, where the prices for the coming year be increased again. A change of the current remedy and avoids annoying post from an expensive electricity provider. To find a suitable provider for your needs, a power comparison on the Internet is the right beginning. The current comparison shows how much money you can save, pull a power change into consideration. To change the provider for the coming year, consider now a power comparison in consideration. Thus comply the notice when your old electricity supplier and can easily realize the power exchange. Many people shy away from the power exchange, because they often are afraid, that it is connected to a power change with costs or waiting times. This is not the case, the change of power occurs seamlessly and you need not worry about the old provider to rather jammed off the power when the new provider unlocks. A current comparison on the Internet shows you how much money you can save a change and gives you the ability to find the appropriate provider for your power from a wide pool of providers. A current comparison can be done with just a few clicks and will show up quickly the right path to a new, cheaper provider, you. Take advantage of the current comparison and save money. A power provider need not be expensive, because cheaper provider have the same services as the previous, to expensive electricity supplier. You must venture only a power comparison and will see that in your case the power change financially profitable and brings a high savings. Use the opportunity to save money and think about the power change of your electricity provider.