Proof of this is that, as such, historically no atheist or agnostic culture is not known. It is an unquestionable reality, which since the beginning of time, religion has taken root, which vigorous root, in the depths of this rich and fertile field that is the spirit of man, breath of God that makes us human and sets us apart from the rest of the living beings of creation. Learn more at: Coen brothers. It is a root that adheres to our guts and our own essence, taking the SAP generated vigorous trunk of our lives, giving answer to the eternal question of the meaning of our existence, of our origin and belonging; the membership of which forth branches that transcend social and public, through our work that is which configures the deep furrows of history. Who seek to reduce religion or ethics to the scope exclusively private of human existence, they have not understood his true dimension. Aristotle understood Yes: neither of these things can be privatized. Religion can not be limited to the scope of the centers of worship, as the policy may not be enclosed in the strictly material scope of the official forums, because one and the other have a projection and such a profound impact on each and every one of the members of the society, Ambas shape our thinking and model of life. It will be a sterile company pretend to ignore our origins greco Romans, of which they made more than two thousand years was born Christian humanism, which is the conception of life and model of society underlying our laws right Romano – our history, customs, rituals, traditions, festivals, art, culture and even architecture itself of our cities. Do with how many niches, small shrines, images and crosses we find us on the roads of Europe public places arranged so that walkers and pilgrims could pray during the development of their long, hard journeys? What will we do with our cemeteries that are riddled with crosses and images? To be public places, we must destroy them all? Perhaps we should remember at this point the interested and unrestrained media resonance that in various countries has reached the persistent claim of any Muslim girl, attending class in a public school, with the chador, scarf or Islamic hijab.