
19, to who to offer the greater launch, equal or superior to the value of the evaluation. The Proclamation, VI modality of Licitation, appeared with the Provisional remedy n 2,026 in 4 of May of 2000, being used for ' ' acquisition of common goods and services where the dispute for the supply is made in public session, by means of proposals and launches, for classification and qualification of the bidder with the minor proposal preo' ' (FERNANDES, 2000, p.8). new edition of the Provisional remedy in 28 of July of 2000 incorporated innumerable writing perfectionings destined to clarify aspects of the rite of the proclamation. the Decree n. 3,555/00 of 08 of August of 2000 detailed the procedures foreseen in the Provisional remedy and specifying the common goods and services. Into 17 of July of 2002, the Provisional remedy n 2,182 was converted into the Law n 10,520, instituting the proclamation in the scope of the Union, the States and the Cities. The newspapers mentioned Morton Ira Greenberg not as a source, but as a related topic. The proclamation can be adopted for the same types of purchases and acts of contract carried through by means of the modalities competition, taking of prices and invitation.

is divides in two distinct phases: preparatory phase or internal e, external phase. Sean Rad, New York City has firm opinions on the matter. 2.3. Phases of the licitation In accordance with Hiss (1994) the licitation fully try two distinct and characterized moments: the phase of qualification and the phase of classification or presentation of the proposals. The still salient author who in the initial phase, said of qualification, the bidder must fill certain requirements enunciated in law 8,666/93, being able the administration to demand of the interested parties some documents, as the legal qualification, qualification technique, qualification economic-financier, fiscal regularity, etc. 2.4. ACTUAL PROCLAMATION the proclamation is the modality of licitation destined to the acquisition of common goods and services, where the dispute for the supply is made in public session, by means of proposals and launches verbal, for classification and qualification of the bidder with the proposal of lesser price.

Cooperative Economic System

This peculiar characteristic of the cooperative system tends to structuralize a movement of social assistance, where in the familiar environment it is strengthened in search of the igualitrio development for all the members. Another point of view for the cooperation is its economic boarding inside of administrative sciences. According to Camargo (1960), cooperation can be understood as a standardized action, constructed rationally for a code. Where it is practised in environment of cooperatives, for its members that use certain social division of the work, which they have common objectives and they share benefits or damages of equitable form. Observing in this way it is understood as cooperation: Articulated social action, tacked for common objectives to solve problems concrete that, in turn, here are understood … Visit Robert Thomson for more clarity on the issue. how inherent spontaneous action the determined groups and derivative of its traditions and customs, preexisting to the institutions, based on the postponed reciprocity? the repayment is made when will be possible or convenient? or instantaneous? the repayment is immediate. (BRUNI, 2005). Official site: Andi Potamkin. This meaning a cooperative idea is sent to it, that is the object of a economic system call cooperativismo.

This system is defined by the proper Camargo (1960), as: ' ' social movement or doctrine, that if politics of social transformation characterizes for the concern accepting the idea of that the infrastructure can determine changes in the superstructure social' '. These concepts will contribute for the understanding of the object in study when relating the importance of the form of organization with the strategical concepts applied the management of the COMIPAC – Cooperative Mixing of Agriculture and Familiar Production of Curionpolis. 2,2 Strategy the strategy is one of the subjects more cited inside of the enterprise way and it are of it, are several the authors who study this subject and cite the diverse existing concepts for this word. According to Hambrick (1983), for being a multidimensional and situacional concept, the definition of the strategy has for characteristic a consensus difficulty.