“Edition of all works with illustrations from the beach magazine at Weltbild razor-sharp conclusions and a pierced spring: for the first time magazines are published in Germany the cases of the most famous detective of all time with the over 100-year-old original drawings from the beach”. “The worldview of collector’s Edition Sherlock Holmes” is a complete illustrated edition of all novels and short stories in 10 volumes. Including manual of Holmes aficionados Zeus Weinstein with the description of all persons, actions and important background information – a must for all fans of the astute analyst. “Sir Arthur Conan Doyle creates with Sherlock Holmes” an early hero of the series. At the end of the 19th century the short stories about the legendary character head of Baker Street and his friend Dr. Watson are regularly published in the beach magazine, a popular monthly magazine. Within a very short time, the magazine promoted to an audience of millions is known to one of the most widely circulated magazine of UK, and Holmes. True in every issue illustrated by Sidney Paget who effectively shapes the image of the master detective.
“” The Hound of the Baskervilles”, the Valley of fear”and the sign of the four”: Arthur Conan Doyle writes with his detective character of literary history. “With the collector’s Edition of Sherlock Holmes ‘ world pays tribute to the brilliant writer, which celebrates its 150th anniversary in 2009. “About the collector’s Edition of Sherlock Holmes”: the Edition contains 9 volumes (translation Haffmans Verlag) plus manual (ed. Zeus Weinstein). Hardcover volumes in the format 12.5 cm x 18.7 cm, solid black and white illustrated. The two main volumes are for 9.95 euro plus 3.00 EUR shipping world image available. All four to six weeks following the delivery of a further follow-up band for 9.95 euro plus 3.00 Euro shipping costs. You can order exclusive worldview on or call 0180 / 53 54 321 (14 cent / minute to landline T-com/mobile phone later if necessary). Contact and picture material: Verlagsgruppe Weltbild GmbH Corporate communications Sabine Pfeifer Tel: + 49 (0) 8 21 70 04 55 54 E-Meil: