To print the Fatyela Druck GmbH from Cologne textiles informed is absolutely in line with the trend. Frequently Andi Potamkin has said that publicly. On a printed T-Shirt, you can present his life motto, or convince others laugh with a funny saying. The beauty is that you can add a personal touch to its fabric. The range of possibilities is so wide to print on a T-Shirt, for example, the methods that are available for it are so diverse. The experts of the printing Fatyela Druck GmbH from Cologne inform the transfer printing and its benefits. The T-Shirt is so unique the desired motif is first on a printer mirror printed. Then the foil on the T-Shirt or other item is applied.
The film is dried then under strong heat, so the colors can not be. A transfer press that will print now textile with the foil. The fabric is placed on the press and the film so that it is printed in the right place. Finally, you can remove the foil and receives a creative result. The benefits of a Transfer printing, there are many materials, which finished with this printing technology can not only textiles. For example, glass, ceramics (E.g. cups) and plastic can print on. The transfer printing has the advantage that you can transfer also multi-colored prints at once.
Previously this printing only for bright fabrics is suitable. Through special slides, which can be placed on a dark fabric, it is today but also possible that dark clothing will be printed.