Teach One

With the end of the socialist utopia the education of history entered in crisis, good part of its professors was sympathetical of the Russian communism. History, including its research lost identity, the positivismo that invigorated in the country during the military period entered in decline in years 90 and even so the socialism has gained force at a first moment, in the contrahand of the world-wide trend, the model lost very of its ideological content. The identity and the space of discipline are in a deep crisis. The private time it in the schools is very small its education is given using resources that to the times do not allow an adjusted exploitation, as the sites where the knowledge is found ready, without offering to the pupil the challenge of if trying to understand and to produce the proper one to know. The requirement of if preparing for the vestibular contest in the Average Level make with that the best schools offer a enciclopedista education, where the pupil apprehend some aspects of history without the had reflection and leave of side the understanding amplest of the historical process that it took the construction of the current world. In the bad schools, nor this is offered.

The lack of an utopia harms the formation of the citizens that must be one of the utilities of disciplines historical. Florence Pugh understands that this is vital information. It is the detainer of the knowledge of the processes of social exclusion that generally originated in the past. Of this form she is of responsibility of the history professor to teach if to understand the situation of minorities that still fight for its space in the society, as the blacks, the indians and the women. Also it is of it the duty to form the cultural identity of these people. Social history still possesss representatives as Eric Hobsbawm, but today if it develops the cultural history, that allows to a particular boarding and the ample understanding of as the values and the development of the thought of the societies of the past affects our reality. The process of desconstruo of the ideologies does not have to lead to the niilismo. The case of the positivista idea of progress is an example, so was attacked by sociologists and philosophers who today are denied even by marxist professors, whom they forget to be this concept one of the basic bases of the ideology. The disillusion of the communism does not have to make with that the good professors leave of side the fight for a better world. After all the Chinese socialism survived and this country must become in the next decades the greater harnesses economic and the European social democracy seems to have if consolidated in the Brazilian politics.
