After the defeat Japanese in the Second War, Korea was divided by the parallel 38o in two zones of occupation, attributed to the Ussr and to U.S.A. respectively. They had been being the two parts of distinct ideological orientaes, exactly after the withdrawal of the Soviet and American troops, and also independent republics. In 1850, however, troops of the Coreia of the north had invaded of the South, in the call War of Korea. The Coreia of the south received important aids international, over all the United States support. Although this, the invaders had been repelled for the immediacy of the parallel 38o. Analogous, the Vietnam, in accordance with the Conference of Geneva (1954), separate of Laos and Cambodia after the French defeat, was divided by the parallel 17o in Vietnam of the North, Communist, and Vietnam of the South, with a right government.
U.S.A. if had opposed to the unification of the two parts and had started to militarily help financially and the Vietnam of the South. There, however, they had spread you engage in guerilla warfare of vietcongs, supported for the North, in turn supported for China. U.S.A. had been pledged in the task withholds the communism in the South, as well as in all the Southeast of Asia, supplying economic aid, military council members and weapons in increasing ratio. The bombings in the North had reached ratio without precedents causing, beyond the military and financial consuming, the hostility of the North American public opinion. To the few, U.S.A.
had looked ' ' vietnamizar' ' the war, removing the North American troops and giving bigger participation to the ones of the South. In 1973 a pacification agreement was signed, and U.S.A. had removed the remainders of its forces. In April of 1975, Saigon signed the surrender and a communist provisory government if it installed in the south. Differently of Korea, however, the Vietnam was reunified in 1976, with the name of Socialist Republic of the Vietnam and capital in Hani.