Therefore, he was considered the donkey simply more chic of Rio De Janeiro. We cannot forget that, for incredible that it seems, the Gazette of Notice of 10.07.1908 (apud Needell) recommended to the Cariocas the use of gloves during the day the noble Spark followed to the scratch the important recommendation! The experience to use animals to aparar the gram was not restricted to the illustrious Spark. They are Cristvo FR, decades later, was celebrity for using sheep in the stadium of the street Figueira de Melo. He does not stop pulling cutting of gram, but for they themselves if feeding of it. The height is rente to the ground well, the problem is that they do not use diapers In any way, this custom conferred to the club cadet new mascote, adjusted well to the white color of its uniform: the Sheep.
Sources: RABBIT NETTO, Pablo. The Inhabitant of the state of Rio de Janeiro in the privacy. Rio De Janeiro: Borsoi, 1969. v. 2, P. 79. NEEDELL, Jeffrey D. Belle tropical poque: society and culture of the elite in Rio De Janeiro in the turn of the century.
So Paulo: Company of the Letters, 1993. P. 199, 322. ROCK, Aristides Almeida. The animal symbology in the sport. So Paulo: Scortecci, 2000. P. 36. The world of Sofia, the chimpanzee the Villa Isabel Football Club had its field in the Zoological Garden of the Isabel Village where the first game of nocturnal soccer in Brazil was disputed (to see our article on ' ' First games noturnos' '). From there that the intelligent Sofia chimpanzee was very common to open alone its cage and to enter in the field during the departures. For desperation of players, it liked sliding behind them, under applauses and laughs of the twisted one. The game was interrupted until Sofia came back toward the cage.