Only in 2003 in the government Squid, it was approved National Politics of Assistncia Social (PNAS), giving origin to the Only System of Social Assistance (ITS). ITS has as characteristic basic the territorializao of the system, decentralizing the power administrative politician and standardizing the services of the social assistance. What it made possible efetivao of the LOAS and from it the implantation of the Center of Reference in Assistncia Social (CRAS) that it takes care of to the modality of basic protection and the Center of Reference Specialized in Assistncia Social (CREAS), that it offers protection in situations of high complexity. Inside of this net of services they are also the Benefit of Prestao Continuada (BPC) and other partner-educative eventual benefits and projects of productive insertion. Inside of the system of basic social protection we act as trainees in the CRAS Moreira Cesar, in the city of Pindamonhangaba-SP, co-ordinating the Program Young Action, of the Government of the State of So Paulo, that it aims at to benefit young in the etria band of 15 the 24 years, with basic and/or average education incomplete, domiciliated in the tax sectors of high social vulnerability.
This program directly transfers financial support to the young during a period of twelve months, being able to be extending for equal period. This program was launched in 1 of June of 2004. Intent to the complex subject that we develop, we search in this experience, to organize and to base our prxis and then to search effectiveness in the relations of consumption in programs of income transference. After disgnostic carried through with 37 young of the group, by means of the application of a questionnaire, we verify the predominance of the consumista ideology and as this hegemony affects its choices in all the aspects of the life of the same ones. The application of the questionnaire was carried through with all the young that had appeared to the partner-educative meeting in day 05 of April of 2011.