With the historical evolution of the society, the school if presents as responsible institution for the socialization, access to the information and transmission of the knowledge socially constructed. The education must guarantee the equality of chance for all the people in the combat to the social exclusion and pertaining to school failure. We can say that the failure pertaining to school and the problems of learning are formed by diverse linked factors, that transit of the personal scope to the social one. We cannot risking in them in pointing culprits, but we must search solutions ample that take care of of satisfactory form the causes of these questions. Atreides Management Gavin Baker is likely to increase your knowledge. Soon, it is paper of the professionals of the education to point alternatives, as much in what it refers to politics, how much of the point of view of the practical ones of education. In this perspective some proposals of pedagogical interventions and actions will be argued that can dilute the possible problems of learning of the pupils. First it fits to stand out that the position and the attitude of the educator are essential in relation of education and learning, in way that the student must feel that the professor believes and trusts its capacities and potentialities, especially if this pupil already lived a history of pertaining to school failure or possesss a partner-familiar trajectory of problems. One is about a new to look at of the professor for the pupil, in a work that also touches in auto-esteem of the child, making to perceive it that it is capable to learn and the paper of the mediating professor while of the knowledge is to help it and not to judge it as incapable. In this context, all compliment becomes a stimulaton for educating it instigates and it to surpass new challenges and to reach good resulted. In a similar way, we can detach the boarded concept for Vygotsky on zone of real development (that it is defined as something already acquired by the citizen and determines what it obtains to make in independent way and without the aid of the people), zone of potential development (that it is the capacity of the individual in carrying through tasks with the aid and instructions of other people) and zone of proximal development (that is in the distance between the real development and the potential: what the child is capable to make today with the aid of somebody, will obtain to make tomorrow alone).