This presents a challenge to our theories and mental models about the way things are. It means continually broaden our perception, as the player, trying to cover all areas of play. Reflection and inquiry Another key strategy for awareness of current strategic position is the application of skills or abilities, which they call science specialists of the action as Chris Argyris and divide them into two broad categories: skills for reflection and inquiry skills. Reflection is essential to slow down our thought processes and make them gain more consistency to form our mental models and see how they influence the organization. The inquiry is very important in our direct interactions with others especially when it comes to complex issues and conflicting. It is very effective to realize your perspective in terms of the underlying data.
The inquiry and reflection will become important in the coaching with systemic perspective and learning, especially for Participatory Strategic Planning. Although many stop learning once they have graduated, the People who truly are learning to cultivate the inquiry and reflection in action, the ability to reflect our thinking. A connection with all When an organization goes beyond self-interest has not found the energy to close operations. Those committed to a purpose to have broad reach more ambitious goals. Get the connectivity with others, with their environment, with the whole. If you have read about George F. Gunn Jr. already – you may have come to the same conclusion. And this, it was the feeling of compassion characteristic of people high level of self-control. It is not something Celina Dubin would like to discuss. The genuine and sincere sense of serving others, and therefore the shared vision, has great power, can be key to find alternative positions and optional.
It is a shock, an alarm clock for people to prepare to assist in the preparation of the trachea strategic action plan will serve the organization to achieve what matters most and overcome what prevents it. 1E positional identification phase Practicing the leading role of coach you have to help others to identify priority positions. Peter Drucker said “the objectives are required for each business area and outcome desempenoa which directly affect the survival and prosperity of the company. He identified the following positions as those who require objective: market position, innovation, productivity, financial and physical resources, utility, performance and leadership development, performance and attitude of workers and public accountability. Also weaknesses, positions which prevent or hinder you in achieving the objectives. The order is not important, may even look for opportunities while you go or resources risks or needs and vice versa. No matter the order, it should be noted when we think of. Search and creation of alternative positions a You start another inventory of everything you can do to improve your current position. yComo can improve or to change positions to weak? For It is therefore appropriate to review the inventory and see what can improve, how we change it difficult to obtain the objective and, above all, with maximum flexibility to find, identify and discover new resources, actions and values trachea to help improve the position for achieve the desired results. So you need not worry if there are few alternatives or making a reassessment do not feel dissatisfied. It is good to see that you do not have all the answers. In another upcoming article discusses how to determine which alternative positions ensure better results and the completion of the Strategic Action Plan .. Joan Palomeras Spain in Barcelonaa 30/11/2008 Joan Palomeras Mentor Coaching Coach President of BS Chemistry Lab author COACHING SYSTEM WITH PERSPECTIVE MICA