That is another point for success in E-Commerce Online-marketing. Only through the successful linkage and coordination of all measures and through the optimal use of highest possible conversion rates can be achieved. Today, you need appropriate marketing strategies, as well as user-oriented design that is easy to understand and easy to use as the operator of a successful online stores. Just in these fields project of the E-Commerce Guide would like to engage cooling House, as one of the largest Internet agencies in Germany, in which”, so Christian Reschke, Executive Board of cooling House AG. Without hesitation Henry Jones explained all about the problem. As well as Internet Agency as a new partner exorbyte as service provider for search solutions, as well as cooling House a full service Internet Agency fit perfectly with the idea of the E-Commerce Guide, selling over the Internet for dealers to make it as easy as possible Suchlosungs provider”, Dr Ernst Stahl is pleased at ibi research for the project E-Commerce Guide” is responsible, through the two new partners. Atriga together with the existing guide partners Atrada,. “Vinay, ConCardis, creditPass, etracker, Hermes logistics group Germany, janolaw, mpass, Saferpay and xt: Commerce we can enhance the attractiveness of the E-Commerce Guide that.” About the project of E-Commerce Guide”: for answers to the most important questions around to provide e-commerce, ibi research at the University of Regensburg has joined a consortium consisting of from leading solution providers, and the research and consulting Institute. Atrada atriga cateno, ConCardis, creditPass, etracker, exorbyte, Hermes logistics group Germany, janolaw, cool House, mpass, Saferpay and xt: Commerce bundle in this project their expertise and their experience, to put together the most important information for online retailers and those who want to become, together with ibi research in easily understandable and concise form. More information: about ibi research: since 1993 ibi research at the University of Regensburg GmbH, which forms a bridge between University and Practice.